Long story short. 2013 Prius Two, 153k miles, no previous problems. P3190 - replaced fuel pump - ran the pump for 10-12 seconds before starting again. Hybrid battery at 0/1. Won't start - P3191 also now - best guess is the hybrid (traction) battery is nearly dead and has invoked "self-protection mode". How to test this theory? How to manually charge the hybrid battery? (Trying to avoid taking it all apart and balancing the individual cells, or, taking it to the stealership to charge.) Thank you for any ideas or guidance you'd care to share!
There is a last ditch option. If you disconnect the 12v battery for a minute, the ECUs will reset to default values. This defaults your SOC to about 60%, which will allow the car to try to start the engine again. Unfortunately, if the engine doesn't start, you've depleted the battery even further. If this has already been done a few times, the actual SOC may be too low for this to work. What is your actual location? There may be someone nearby with a charger if you're lucky.
Thank you kindly Kevin and TMR! I'll pocket the tip about defaulting to 60% SOC ... seems like I saw something like that one of my "tries" ... great to know that's a repeatable option with predictable results (i.e. not a fluke) ... thanks for the insight! Prolong looks like a great option ... just mulling the appx $450 price tag (hopefully need it only 1 time)(famous last words, lol). Unfortunately I stubbornly tried to restart the vehicle multiple times and so I have depleted both the 12v and hybrid battery foolishly. (luckily the 12V is easy enough to remedy). If I can find someone with Techstream would it tell me the "true" hybrid battery SOC? I have BlueDriver but I don't think it is capturing that (or maybe I don't know where to look). Here's a crazy idea: if I can get the car to "ignition on" (i.e. power button twice without starting) and CVT to Neutral, and, someone pushes me around ... would regenerative brake charging come into play when I brake? I'm in the Twin Cites MN area ... do I dare hope there's a Prius Enthusiasts Group nearby that's kindly/fee disposed to boneheads in distress?
The HV Battery will not charge while the car is in neutral. Techstream will only show the SOC that the car "thinks" is correct. I think there's a few guys on the forum who have built their own chargers. This is a relatively inexpensive slightly adjustable DC HV power supply with a 0.1 amp output that would probably work. It would supply a nice slow charge and return the battery to about 50% SOC in a day. International Power IHB250-0.1 Single Output Linear Power Supply - FLW, Inc.
$66 or $415....idk Isn't that $415 just for a charger? Prolong is $409 just for the charger... I would imagine each one has about 50 bucks in parts maybe you can specify cheaper than what??
Sorry I thought Maxx Volts had a Gen3 Prius Charger.They only have the Gen2 Prius Charger,My Mistake.Sorry
When you say "No Start" do you mean the car powers on but the ICE doesn't start? OR you mean you get nothing on the display. No power at all? I think you mean the latter. Buying a high voltage charger will be expensive no matter what and you will use it once most likely. If it was me, I would remove the Hybrid pack and charge modules individually. Takes more time but costs you nothing (assuming you have a simple power adapter to charge each module). One other option (if you have a fellow Prius driver that could approve the operation) could be to jump your Hybrid pack (parallel connection to another hybrid pack of same kind). It is a risky operation since very high voltage is involved but if done properly it would work. Professor John Kelly of Weber University did that successfully to bring a dead hybrid battery back to life. You have several options.
TMR - I broke down and ordered the Prolong Value Reconditioning model (~$500). The INTERNATIONAL POWER IHB250-0.1 looks interesting and the cheap in me wanted SO BADLY to go with that - just I'm at the point time-wise that I need to go for the sure thing. Hopefully I can find someone to cost share the Prolong (or the battery reconditioning is actually worth it). Am I correct in thinking that a tow + HV charge up at the Toyota Stealership would be $300+? iskoos - HSI functioning normally, just the ICE won't stay running (sometimes starts up for a few secs, sometimes doesn't start at all). My current guess is because the SOC on the HV is too low (says 10.5%). If the Prius "judges" that the SOC is too low, is there a trouble code that should be thrown? Parallel HV Jumping ... interesting ... filing that away... do I need a Flux Capacitor also? If the ICE won't stay running after the HV charge up, I plan to do the: EGR+MAF+Throttle Body+Intake Manifold cleanings, and, new PCV +spark plugs+air filter. Maybe clean the fuel injectors also - but I've been pretty good about running fuel cleaners & Top Tier gas, so I might skip it this round - gotta get her up and running before there's a mutiny! Anything else come to mind? Thank you all - much appreciated!
No, transmission in neutral means no energy flow. If you can get to ignition on, you can check the HV battery status using a OBDII plug and an app like hybrid assistant. For charging, you could open up the HV battery and might be able to charge the individual cells. The voltage on each cell is low enough to do this with a standard DC power supply.
In the end, using the Hybrid Automotive Prolong I charged the HV battery from 207V to 235V - it did it at 0.350 amps in 8 hours. Also I cleaned out the EGR tube and both connection points (i.e. intake manifold side and "where it goes into the engine block" side) --- THE INTAKE MANIFOLD SIDE WAS VERY CLOGGED AND MIGHT HAVE BEEN THE ONLY REAL PROBLEM Two Excellent Post About Fuel Pump Replacement DIY: Fuel Pump Replacement (10-15 Prius) | PriusChat P3190 Code - Failed Fuel Pump (Resolved) | PriusChat Super short summary: (I) 2013 Prius - 153k - Car quit without advance indications and ICE wouldn't re-start - limp mode then complete propulsion shutdown nearly immediately (maybe 5-10 secs) - DANGEROUS!! (luckily on a city street at 10 mph and could pull over immediately - shudder to think what would have happened on the freeway) (II) Replaced 12V battery and fuel pump as first steps (BUT PROBABLY MISDIAGNOSED) (III) Too many failed ICE start attempts depleted the HV battery so low that it needed to be charged externally (Prolong) - DON'T TRY TO START YOUR PRIUS REPEATEDLY IF THE HV BATTERY IS LOW/CAN'T CHARGE - COSTLY MISTAKE (IV) Cleaned MAF (V) Cleaned EGR pipe and both connection points ... quite clogged (especially intake manifold side) - PROBABLY THE REAL REASON WHY THE ICE WOULD NOT STAY RUNNING I'M AN EGR CLEANING CONVERT NOW - ASAP I WILL THOROUGHLY CLEAN THE INTAKE MANIFOLD+EGR PIPE+THROTTLE BODY+PCV VALVE+EGR COOLER ... AS MUCH OF THE EGR CIRCUIT AS IS POSSIBLE! Thank you all for your advice!
Hey Pingd, I'm having almost exact same issue with my 2013 Prius V as you did with your Prius Two - ICE engine started shuddering then lost power and shut down and stalled on freeway. Able to restart the ICE a minute later and limped home. Replace the spark plugs and coils but didn't help with a engine knocking. Cleaned the fuel injectors, RGR pipe, as a result the ICE wouldn't even start now. Depleted the HV battery in the process due to inexperience and too many failed starts. After reading this thread I feel like what a ring prolong battery charger it's probably the only option I have now other than Towing it to a Toyota dealership in San Jose (NorCAL) and having them fix it. If by chance you live nearby in NorCal and still have the Prolong charger I'll be more than happy to cost-share it with you. Also curious as to good cause for your problem, was it the EGR pipe or the intake manifold cleaning that finally fixed it? Thanks. QUOTE="pingd, post: 2940010, member: 167689"]TMR - I broke down and ordered the Prolong Value Reconditioning model (~$500). The INTERNATIONAL POWER IHB250-0.1 looks interesting and the cheap in me wanted SO BADLY to go with that - just I'm at the point time-wise that I need to go for the sure thing. Hopefully I can find someone to cost share the Prolong (or the battery reconditioning is actually worth it). Am I correct in thinking that a tow + HV charge up at the Toyota Stealership would be $300+? iskoos - HSI functioning normally, just the ICE won't stay running (sometimes starts up for a few secs, sometimes doesn't start at all). My current guess is because the SOC on the HV is too low (says 10.5%). If the Prius "judges" that the SOC is too low, is there a trouble code that should be thrown? Parallel HV Jumping ... interesting ... filing that away... do I need a Flux Capacitor also? If the ICE won't stay running after the HV charge up, I plan to do the: EGR+MAF+Throttle Body+Intake Manifold cleanings, and, new PCV +spark plugs+air filter. Maybe clean the fuel injectors also - but I've been pretty good about running fuel cleaners & Top Tier gas, so I might skip it this round - gotta get her up and running before there's a mutiny! Anything else come to mind? Thank you all - much appreciated![/QUOTE]