This is interesting. In case the site is compromised, here is a YouTube link to a video of local news covering the story.
I am so sorry to hear that! I clicked on it several times with no ill effect, but I have an ad blocker and other browser extensions that filter out much of the garbage from the internet.
That’s fine. I know it’s a legitimate site, that’s why I was surprised to see a redirect. I’ll have to re-evaluate my security setup. Maybe it’s my device that’s compromised. Edit: tried it again. Yeah I think it’s the website. I see my browser go through 2-3 different links then end up with the same message with the “click here” to fix the “error”.
No warning about the site for me. Also, expect more police departments to start switching over to EVs once they figure out how much they'll be saving in fuel costs.
Thank you! Thank you! I've been hunting down a pop-up virus problem reading articles at InsideEV where they frequently cite electrek articles. Each time the virus host pops-up, I scan the HTML and grab the URL. Then I put a 'black hole' route in my /etc/hosts for both IPv4 and IPv6. When I tried it, I can see a brief 'something' trying to start and then the video plays. I had not seen that behavior before. Bob Wilson