I noticed that my monthly Eco diary seemed to be kinda low, so I did a little checking and found out that the average uses "0" for days not driven in it's calculations. I used August to check the monthly average. The average says 6.5 mi/kWh for the month. When calculated with the 0's it is 6.41 mi/kWh and not using the 0's it is 7.10 mi/kWh. I only had 3 days of non use but if someone had more then the difference would be much bigger. The daily shows 5 days below 6.5 mi/kWh and 23 above with a max of 8.1 mi/kWh. Not that it matters much but if someone didn't drive for a week or 2 their monthly total would be very low.
Does it simply use the per day numbers for the monthly average? I have a feeling the car takes the total miles driven on EV mode into the consideration for the averaging. Let me look at my data.
I believe it uses the daily #'s. Most of my data is from short (6 miles or so) and slow (25-30 mph) commuting trips. Some of the lower #'s are from highway driving.
I checked my logs, but my monthly averages are all over. Some month it is closer to the average of daily values including days with 0 EV drive, and some month it is closer to the average of daily values not counting the days with 0 EV drive. There is no consistency in mine.
At least on my car, the following statement is not true: For example, in April, I did not drive EV mode 23 days out of whole month. This includes days I did not drive at all and days I drove only with HV. The average of daily values if counting those days with 0 EV would be 0.8 miles/kWh, yet my monthly log was showing 4.0 miles/kWh. Similar thing happened on Jan and Mar data.
Hmmm, my sampling is only 1 month, so not very reliable. I will check more months in the next few days to see if my data agrees with yours.
Here is an interesting daily record of miles/kWh compared to monthly number for Aug from my car. I was doing heavy EV/HV switches to inflate the daily miles/kWh value. Basically those days with 99.9 miles/kWh, I was keeping the car on EV mode only during coasting, then switching back to HV when acceleration is needed. Thus for those days the distance under the EV mode were much shorter than usual EV drives with 5-7 miles/kWh day. Those numbers are not normal values. Nonetheless, the average of daily values for this month (45.9 with or 59.2 without 0 EV day) do not match 28.8 the monthly average posted on the monthly log.
Eco diary only goes back ~30 days. I'll log the info for the next few months and see what results I get. Like I said, it's not a big deal, I was just curious.
Correct. For Daily records, it can go back only 8 screens (4 reports/screen). For monthly, it goes back 24 months. Even though I've been trying to copy all of daily reports, I have had it let laps more than 32 days in between recording a few times. I am missing a few data on my spreadsheet.