I'm looking to remove everything from the front seat-back. I basically want my 04 Prius to only have two front seats and the rest an empty shell so I can pack more work-related tools into it. Is this possible? And what are if any cons to doing this. Thank you so much
One thing I can say is that if you run the A/C air comes out of the under-seat vents and some of that air cools your battery. So if you block that airflow with anything, your battery fan will run more
Thank you. Just to clarify are you saying as long as I don't use the AC I should be fine? Because I don't use the AC at all I keep my windows rolled down during the summer. Thank you for your help!
I've been to Ohio. It can get above 85F. If you're doing highway driving with the windows rolled down, you're costing yourself more fuel than using the A/C, but to each his own.
His air is probably broke. How many old cars do you see in the summer on hot days with the windows rolled down. They want more to fix the A/C than the car is worth.
Just watch a YouTube video on replacing the HV battery, that requires everything to be removed. Takes less than 1/2 hour
You're going to have to explain this one to me. I've driven around for the last 1.5 years with the rear seats (backrests) and rear half of interior removed from my car to allow easy access to the HV battery area. Unfortunately, I just installed everything last night since I'll be driving down to Jacksonville, FL for a 10 day work trip.
Anyone know how to remove the two pads on the right hand (passenger side) rear seat back end? This is the piece in between the right rear seat and the door. It has a vent in the middle for the batteries. I’m trying to replace the fabric with leather. I’ve removed the piece via the bolt on the bottom but the two pads have clips that I can’t remove.
Anyone know how to remove the two pads on the right hand (passenger side) rear seat back end? This is the piece in between the right rear seat and the door. It has a vent in the middle for the batteries. I’m trying to replace the fabric with leather. I’ve removed the piece via the bolt on the bottom but the two pads have clips that I can’t remove.
In Gen2 the "pads" look similar. I guess they are hot melted rivets and the only way to remove them is drilling. Or maybe make a thermal shield with matching hole and use a hot air?