I really debated posting this.... But, some 8-9 months after my car wreck, I am doing much better. In the past two weeks I am finally able to bend over and pick things up -- not great, but I can do it. Pain is moderate Putting on socks is "almost normal," and pants and tops and dresses are a bit of a challenge and a bit painful, but I can do it. Walking and general movement is pretty good, but tiring and moderately painful. So, some nine months ago, I was hit head-on by a driver (impaired), that came across the line. He is now serving prison time. I spent some 3 months in hospitals and nursing homes. I was in our Camry. I sustained a broken lower right leg bone. A cracked knee cap. A cracked upper leg bone. The top of the upper leg bone blasted through my hip socket and broke that socket that contains the ball and joint. Severely bruised ribs (those REALLY hurt). A broken very "badly" in two places upper arm bone, a broken right cheek bone. I also had a stroke in the hospital. And numerous cuts, bruises, etc. I would be lying if I said all is well. I would also be lying if I said there were not a few, just a few, times that I wished I had not survived the wreck. But, all-in-all, moving forward. It is really a very complicated cascade of feelings and I am still trying to sort them out this much later. Who would have "thunk." kris
OMG, that’s awful! Wow! That’s a lot for anyone to go through. I’m so sorry! Do they expect a full recovery? Worst thing that ever happened to me was a broken collar bone when someone opened a car door as I was passing their car on my bicycle. Nothing in comparison! Best wishes for your complete recovery.
Thanks for the update! And to think. I was going to compose a long thread about my struggles as an Android driver trying to get a new Apple Watch 3 to play nice. Really puts things into perspective. You have a lot of people in the forum pulling for you! I'm very glad that you're better and am looking very much forward to more PROGRESS reports. Heal well.
I appreciate the update and that your spirits are as good as they are. What an injury list!! You might have been less damaged if you'd gone skydiving without a parachute. It's a miracle that you survived and I'm sure there's a reason for your survival. You have a lot of people rooting for you, so press on.
Hang in there, Kris. You're still here to enjoy life, much as it sucks right now, but your body and your mind will heal. You were tough enough to survive a horrific accident, and you're tough enough to remake a life for yourself. I'd offer you a hug, but it would hurt.
Love the health update! I'm assuming that was the same Camry you'd asked for help in the past. Just curious, did you replace it? We no longer drive cars with front engine blocks. Frontal collisions are unable to force the metal engine into the cabin. Furthermore, the longer crush distance reduces cabin forces as both cars have automatic collision braking. There are no guarantees but improving the odds pays dividends and you deserve the protection. GOOD LUCK! Bob Wilson
Owwww! and bloody ouch!!!! Glad to learn that you survived and are still around! In your position, I think I'd rely on KARMA, and perhaps I'd add a few choice curses¹ just to help things along! ¹ boils, locusts, BubonicPlague, TheClap, Fire&Brimstone etc. etc. (…BTW it might help to know a few thaumaturgists!) - Good luck, and keep yer chin up!
To answer Mr. Wilson: Yes, the Camry died, but saved me when it did. Most of the impact of the crash was on the passenger side, as I swerved left at the last moment. The only thing that saved me, actually. And, the one action I keep thinking about....but.... Replaced with a Subaru Outback. Not that I wanted to join the legions of them in the Pacific Northwest -- far from it -- but they are one of the safest cars on the road -- supposedly. I have been driving it more than the Prius. I hate the automatic transmission, as the Camry was a 5-speed. I also hate all the new electronics, but am slowly getting used to them. But, I really need to get back to the Prius. kris
Kris, WOW! I want to thank you for your bravery and your honesty. I don't know how I would feel in your situation. I am not a Therapist, but I think it is ok to admit how your situation has caused you to second guess your survival! Hell, who wouldn't!! What I will say is you give me hope! Yes, you gave me hope, as well as someone we here in Priuschat can turn to should we suffer something similar. This year for me has been really challenging. Two people who I loved passed away suddenly, my adult son is in an ongoing recovery from a brain injury and a family member recently started showing their "true colors". Not anywhere what you are going through, I am just trying to say you are not alone in wishing things were different. My son has taught me to move forward thru each situation. When I have cried and broke down in fear in front of him, he has hugged me and told me everything is going to be alright. That he is going to continue to get better and better, that he is not going to give up. I nearly gave up seeing him in the hospital, under all kinds of medications, with blood coming out his nose. Please believe me when I tell you that your wonderful, beautiful, funny, witty, posts you have done over the last 9 months have inspired me! This is the first I have posted anywhere on the web how my life has been since January of this year. And you just gave me the courage to share it. Kris, you have my full support and prayers!! As we black folk like to say, "keep on, keepin on!"
Hey, all: Home early from work (nothing new about that, lately). Thanks for the wishes. Again, it was do I share this....or do I not....the tipping point was the whole internet -- no one knows who you are thing. Around home, I am super woman. No doubts, moving ahead. No pain, ready to tackle all. But, as you can see from my comments, not so true. The thing is, I don't think people really want to hear how it is....meaning...they want sunshine and daisy flowers. Maybe a few honeybees... But, that's not how it is. I tell everyone in person that it is all great. Life is wonderful and unicorns prance outside my window. In reality, it is a bit different. But, hey, it is better. And, back in January, I would not have believed how much better. Still a LONG ways to go. Still a lot of PAIN to overcome, but I am moving ahead. kris.
take some advice from andrew luck. no ones life is all sunshine and daisies, but you and many others have had a lot more to deal with than most. i also prefer to tell most people that everything is great, but we all have a need to share our pain at times. yes, it's the anonymous internet, and that's poly not even you in the picture. but if its cathartic, why hold back?
unihorns I always wondered how the white pegasus with a horn evolved into a horse + GMO corn???? daisys are easier to find if you're into them. Real happiness in life seem harder and harder to locate and hold on to, if lucky enough to ever find. On the surface I work at being as happy as I can. But down at the sub levels I understand how the deep dark secret truths effect my daily life. I just mentioned to a friend the other day when he listed Rod Stewart, that hot Rod was the vocals on Jeff Becks Truth LP (they didn't even have 8 track tapes out yet when Truth was released).
Took the morning off from work because I felt the call of "nature." Meaning I am getting fat and lazy. Decided to take the dogs on a pretty steep, remote, 4-mile hike and see how we handled it. Pain? Yes. --- Want to turn back? Yes --- Loving it? --- Yes!! Funny thing, part way through -- this was around 10:30 a.m. -- one of the dogs tensed and stuck it's nose in the air -- the rest followed suit. Then, instead of running some 20 yards ahead of me on the trail -- all of a sudden I had a canine protection detail pressed in tight -- indeed I was almost stumbling over them. At first, I was baffled. Then I remembered what tochatihu had once said to me. When the dogs gather 'round they are in pack mode against some threat. Of course, do not know what threat they sensed. But some quarter-mile further, there was a muck of fur and remains of some sort off the trail. The protective detail stayed about for about 3/4 of a mile. While I was never scared, I was amused by the theatre. kris