I cleaned my EGR, EGR cooler, and intake manifold. The system was completely blocked. Now my mpg’s have dropped. Any idea why? Do I need to reset the computer?
Welcome to Prius Chat . Some questions: How many miles on your Prius? Did you perform any other maintenance at the same time as the egr circuit cleanse? Any dash lights? How many miles have you put on since the cleanse? What type of driving have you done since the cleanse? Any change in weather in your neck of the woods that might have caused AC usage? Good luck and keep us posted .
No other work don’t to the car. No CEL. About 100 miles. I only drive interstate at 70 mph. No change in weather. I am thinking I am going to disconnect the 12v battery to reset the computer. Any other thoughts?
How old is your 12V battery? When you performed your maintenance did you put a charger on the 12V? Any chance the interior lights were used? A dying 12V battery will also drop fuel economy.
Nothing was left on. It’s been about 300 miles since I cleaned it and the mileage seems to be back where it was. I am assuming the ecu had to recalibrate.