Was initially guessing this thread would be about John Harte's text on how to derive realistic approximate solutions to complicated problems. Not a complaint, as we did get to wombats. Similar to Harte's approach are Fermi problems, that mainly focus on dimensional analysis (or, getting the units right). As a bonus, Harte is a delightfully eccentric character. == On the stated topic, I thought round animals of Texas referred to road kill. Maybe not though.
I'd pay top dog treat if they toured Texas. Round animals of Texas refers to the bipedal, humanoid kind. It's hard not to be when everything, here, is deep fat fried. Here's a taste.
Get a round, get a round, I get a round, a round. "I'm still looking for a group of canon singers to call themselves The Round Animals."--Pachebel
Chubbs the cat is almost round at 29 lbs Huge Cat, Weighing 29 Pounds, Shows Up As Stray At Animal Shelter | HuffPost Magnificat?