I know washing my car myself by hand or using a touchless car wash are best, but I do occasionally go through an automatic car wash, the kind where I put the car in neutral and get pulled along while any number of things beat on the car and get it clean. I did this for years without incident in my 2011 Prius, but I now have a 2017 Prius with all sorts of sensors and they DO NOT like the auto car wash. The first time I went through, all the "you are about to hit something in front of you, along side you and behind you" sensors went off the whole time. The second time I went through, I turned off the pre-collision system so thought I would not have to endure these alerts, but it still happened. Is there some trick to getting these sensors to turn off so I can go through the car wash without going nuts? Thanks!
I occasionally use a couple around me as well, and I saw signs to disable the system at my washes but yet had no issues with this ever going off on me. I don't have the parking sensor array but I do have the pre collision and it says in your signature you have a two, so it should be just the same as my three with ATP from 2016.
I guess it's parking sensors going off, which might explain why turning off the pre-collision system didn't help. Whatever feature it is, the car beeps and the dash shows a picture of the car with some red lights in the appropriate spot (front of car, either front corner, sides, etc). I don't mind the alerts when I'm actually parking, but I don't like it in the car wash. I just glanced quickly through the online manual, but don't see how to turn that off. Maybe I'm just stuck with it? Edit - looks like it's Intuitive Parking Assist and I found instructions to turn it off. I'll give it a go!
Switch to a car wash where the car is stationary (can be turned off) and the washing machinery passes along the car?
I've used that kind of system in UK. I only had the car in Ready Mode and Neutral but got no precision warnings at all, tho the system is fitted and active. Only problem I found was that it for the left side front blanking plate out 3 times and never found it the last time. A new one cost me £45 from Toyota parts dept.
That miniscule piece over the tow lug socket. Ugh that's expensive. Item #6 here: Bumper & Components - Front for 2016 Toyota Prius | Toyota Parts $11.53 in the 'States. Toyota UK is larcenous.
I would, except I'm cheap and have most of a booklet of prepaid washes for the automatic one still to be used! 4 more to use up (which is actually 8 because I get a free re-wash within 5 days of the original) and then I'll go across the street to the touchless place.
There is a plastic tether attached to the replacement which has a '>' barb which loops into a socket on the car. Not on the original cover though. I'm tempted to shout FOUL!
Third gen covers are much more tenacious I think. I got one off once, just out of curiousity, and was really afraid I would damage the paint.
Just turn off the parking sensors. Looks like a little cone and a P. I have an unlimited pass to the carwash and have to turn the sensors off each time. Posted via the PriusChat mobile app.
Haven't used a regular car wash in years, I suppose the "Touchless" ones would be OK, but the older ones with the Brushes scare me away, as years ago I read an article that pointed out that even if replaced often, the tips of the individual brush fibers rapidly form wear "tufts" at their ends which collect particles from the previous vehicle washes and then slap your painted surfaces with those very same particles...
2017 Prius 2....while waiting in line I just go down the line and turn everything to off and while it's being hand dried....I just go down the line and turn it all on. It would awesome if there was a "carwash setting that would turn all these essentials off and on.