Have this problem ever reported for non-Advanced trims? IIRC, all of the reported cases are for Advanced trim with heated steering wheel. Correct me if I am wrong.
Others on the Facebook Prime Owners Group have reported on non-Advanced trim Primes. Does not appear to be related to only heated steering wheels.
From my research the Softex covering being exposed to extended periods of intense direct sunlight is the problem. I bought one of these steering wheel covers just in case I need to park in the sun. It fits perfectly and was just $1.25 on eBay. It folds up to about the size of a sandwich.
I think the OP has nothing to lose trying to get it covered under warranty. I'd try. BUT.... Even in a short period of ownership, the steering wheel is an "active" part of the vehicle One we grab and use. By definition it's an item that wears. I'm guessing Toyota is just going blame it on wear, or say that something may of gotten on your hands, then your steering wheel. I'd be surprised if they do replace it under warranty. BUT.... Nothing to lose, I'd sure try. My experience has been similar... You need Toyota to declare it a warranty issue. And my experience was that in a judgement call situation, you're more likely to hear No..than Yes.
I would google "leather and vinyl dye" and see if it could be easily touched up or if the whole steering wheel could be redyed to eliminate the spots. You might have a problem exactly matching the color. Not sure if it is black or dark charcoal, but if you do the whole wheel it wouldn't matter.
In two months? Never a problem with my previous 6 Toyota’s. You think the factory considers 2 months the normal life of the wheel. Like I said ... my last Toyota purchase.
That's too bad.... Just because despite this specific failure....I would still say I think Toyota as a mass producer of automobiles, builds some of the best quality products. I mean, you did buy 7 of them.
Exactly. If you have a mark the size of a quarter are you going to paint the whole car? That is a pretty complicated steering wheel on the Advanced as the OP has. I wouldn't be surprised if it was more than a $1000. part. Doesn't make sense to replace it when the appropriate leather dye would make the problem unnoticeable.
That's interesting. I think the best hope for warranty support would be almost a recall like situation. That would mean this unfortunately happening to a lot of people, and a undeniable manufacturing problem being revealed through sheer numbers. I'm afraid if it's just a few people? Warranty coverage is going to be hard to get. Everyone likes to internalize a happening and apply it to their own situation. I had a 2010 Honda Fit with a center console that had a padded "vinyl" like top. In less than 2 years, the top just kind of melted away. Bubbled up, and became thin, looked horrible. I ended up having the piece re-upholstered at my expense, in leather.- Then it was great. I guess my long winded point here is I know manufacturers and owners, want more ecological responsibility applied to the materials used in their vehicles, which is why we evidently get a movement away from real leather to products like soft-tex. But with these sometimes soy based products, designed to ultimately be degradable and recyclable, I'm not sure manufacturers have caught up with the curve of being able to make them durable enough yet.
I touched mine again today, but instead of feeling around to detect a defect (like last time), I moved my hand away, right away. Mine, if a defect ?, is in the stitching. out of sight, and I don't want to be the one to expose it to the other driver as it will become my responsibility to have it repaired to the others satisfaction. Bully that.
Dropped by local Toyota dealership yesterday prior to my last free service (2 year total care expires) this Saturday. Dealership took info about steerings wheel (pics, etc) and will run up the Toyota "chain of command" to determine way ahead. Good news is they immediately did not say "sorry, you're out of luck". At least they are willing to have Toyota determine resolution. Will keep you posted.
Except OP said he used a sunshade and garaged the car. If just sunscreen on hands can cause this, that's horrible, but good I came across this thread. I often use hand lotion and/or hand-sanitizer right before driving.