Whats wrong? It is new. I bought it last month and sent it to services to check. They said it works fine.. just need to charge more on batteries. I did charge it to 7 bars. but EV mode is not working. Also, USB charge is very slow, just added 2% for one day.
congrats and welcome! ev mode in a prius is a misnomer unless it is a plug in. have you read the manual?
Welcome and congrats on the new ride! I suspect the person at "services" knows less about the car than you do. The ignorance about Prius displayed at most dealerships is just amazing. The regular Prius is not meant to be driven in EV mode except as the computer determines it to be an advantage. Putting it in EV manually with the button will most often cost you extra gas in the long run except in a few special situations. Unless you're just moving the car a few feet and don't want to start the engine for that, I'd let the car decide. There are lots of reasons that it may not want to go into EV mode. But there is no way to "disable" it. This is one car where quality time perusing the owner's manual pays large dividends. If you were using the phone's gps for maps and stuff like that, the USB port will usually just be enough to keep up. Also, check the manual -- I'm not sure about your year and model, but some USB ports have more amps than others if you have more than one.
Go to your display and get this screen up: You can use your <TRIP> button to toggle between ODO, TRIPA, TRIPB and Current. Don't normally expect 45% - mine has averaged about 31-32% over 46,000 km. Some individual trips will be 55%, others 5%. But it balances out. The PRIUS brain is better than ours - at least for this, it's no good at SUDOKU, I believe. If you try pressing the EV Button often, unless there is a good reason (sneak into the driveway so as to not wake the dog), it's best to just drive it, ignoring the button. That said - there are a couple of local places where there is little traffic, and if I've got nobody behind, I'll ease up a gentle incline in EV mode, running it low, because I know there is a long downhill which will charge the battery. But - doing that a lot in one "trip" will heat the battery and it's got fail-safe programmed in where it'll just give it a rest, and largely use the Internal Combustion Engine (ICE) for a few minutes as it cools. But using EV Mode in the wrong place can mean that you've got an empty Hybrid Battery at a place where your PRIUS thinks (to anthropomorphise a PRIUS) "hmmmph - I could have used that Hybrid battery right now, but he's gone and emptied it, so I'll have to turn the ICE instead". And so it sits at a traffic light with the ICE running.
Dead right - USB ports in most cars aren't capable of charging a phone - they'll usually maintain the present charge, but not increase it much if the phone is running. Turn WiFi off, Data and anything else you don't need while driving. It'll still get calls and TEXTs but not scan continually for FaceBook Messages and emails etc. If you're not using GPS, turn that off too. It might then give you a very slow charge. Or turn it off, it'll charge quicker. Check the VW, FORD, SUBARU, MERC - etc FORUMS - they all discuss this same issue. The USB outlet in most cars is for data mainly. Here are a couple of articles in GOOGLE - lots there. ...
THIS is the most complete and correct answer to both your questions. I quoted the whole thing so you have a chance to read it all again. If there is some part that you don't completely understand, ask for a specific clarification.
Samantha actually seems to respond to it - when I talk to her, she seems to understand. Maybe PRIMEs are different? Just like Winston - understands when I talk to him, bouncing ideas off him.
I was talking about whole of life. Or most fuel tanks. I can get 100% for the 3km return trip from the shops - but going there uphill will be about 10%.
It's primarily downhill, which regenerates it for the 2 short slow uphills - that's what I was saying - but uphill is nearer 10%. Someone had indicated a whole of life EV of 80% which is impossible.
If you keep following the hsi, your ev driving ratios just automatically increases. Last night it was up to 85%
I'd be very surprised if a Gen 4 can average much more than 35-40% for whole of life EV%. Or do you have a PRIME? This is ODOMETER: TRIP B: TRIP A (since last FILL)
TRIP B is the "lifetime" account on my car for 41,245.6 miles. TRIP A is an example (current tank) of slow driving commuting. Hard to maintain for life-of-the-car.
Yes, that's good - though possible for slow driving. The best I ever had for a single trip was driving in peak-hour traffic both ways for 340kms, RADAR Cruise, traffic almost to a stop on occasions, never went over 60km/hr, with 50+%. But, as you say, a single trip is not representative of whole of life - which is what the OP was referring to. The other day's running was showing 100% - I reversed it out to wash it, and back into the garage.