i have a 2008 prius with something like 180k miles on it. the other day while driving the red triangle of death started flashing intermittently, accompanying it in the touch screen display was the word "problem" followed by what looked like a red temperature sign. it didn't impair my ability to drive at all, so i hurried home & haven't driven it since. i was driving, so i couldn't take a picture, but i found some one else on the net who had the same issue, their display is exactly like mine. it's probably worth mentioning that prior to these shenanigans, i had the ac amplifier replaced and also a wheel bearing. i don't know if that could be related but quite frankly, nothing surprises me anymore. any ideas anyone?
Have you checked the coolant level in 3 places: 1. Engine radiator (remove the cap so you can see inside) 2. Engine coolant overflow reservoir 3. Inverter coolant reservoir Also, what is the condition of the engine coolant pump and the serpentine belt that spins the pump pulley?
You might have a failed inverter pump I would check your oil level while you're checking your coolant levels
The high temp warning on the MFD comes on when the ICE reaches 250F. Fill and bleed the radiator before driving the car anymore. Neither of the repairs you mentioned should have required messing with the engine cooling system but if they did happen to drain it chances are they didn’t get all of the air out.
based on prior suggestions, i checked the coolant levels and made sure that was fine. i cranked it once when i saw the red triangle again and had someone run a diagnostic on it - it churned out P0A7A with the message "generator inverter performance". the battery in the trunk - the auxiliary battery i suppose? gave a low voltage reading, about 10~11v. i took it out, dragged it to autozone to be charged and brought it back. i tried again - vehicle cranked once and now it's quiet. there are no companion codes to that, i'm stumped. i feel like this car just won't quit. please see my message above, do you think the failed inverter pump fits the bill?
i managed to crawl it into the garage, these are the error messages being displayed. i hope its visible.
You got the high temp warning and kept driving? How far? It’s quite possible you cracked the head by overheating the engine. Check your oil to see if it looks funny. Check your coolant for signs of oil also. If your car had a temperature gage and it was in the red would you continue to drive the car? That light is your temperature gage in the red.
the light was intermittent - it would be fine for stretches of time, then flash for a few seconds and go away. i was on a stretch of rural highway, so i just went home & parked it. i'll check my oil & coolant as suggested, thanks.
2008, Toyota Prius, 270,000 miles, work car. I drive the hell out of my sweet little Prius!! This car is one tough little mambajamba! Sooo, I was taking a break from a job I’m working on because it was 111 degrees on the asphalt! I was sitting in the car with the AC cranked on high for about 15-20 minutes and the car started to do a little shake/sputter, in the engine area, almost as if it was running out of gas, which I was very low on gas. The red triangle came on and the high temperature light came on, so I turned it off for about an hour, finished my job and then started it back up (should have checked fluid first but I was pretty near heat stroke myself!) the red triangle still came back on & so did the high temperature light so I drove to the nearest gas station (qt) for some ethanol free gas. Was there maybe 10 minutes and the car alarm went off by itself, I think (dog and 15mo grandson love my key phobe so it’s a fubar mess) and at the mental state of heat exhaustion that I was in I could have set it off myself) anyway, started it back up all the lights went off and I drove home and it’s running fine 30 miles away ♀️ not sure if this info will ever help anyone but I gotten so much of this chat forum for over 3 years now, I thought I would contribute. I have literally save thousands of dollars fixing things myself bc of some of the post here! Thank you to all who contribute (in explicit detail) $$$$ money saved puts food on my table!