Recently I took a job in another town that is 119 miles away. It's a good paying job and took months to complete the hiring process. I am willing to make it work in order to maintain the job. I reside in Toledo Ohio, but my job is located in Cleveland Ohio. I have a 2010 Toyota Prius (trim level One) with 223,000 miles. My Prius has never failed me and I drive quite a decent amount per week. This is especially so now that I have this new job. For now (just to begin the job) I have been living in an Extended Stay hotel in Westlake (20 Miles west of my work and straight down I-90) and I drive back to Toledo 2-3 times per week to visit family and go about my life in my hometown. Westlake is not a bad daily commute, but its not as good as living at home back in Toledo. I always work 12am-8am every day of work, and my job is downtown off of SR-2 (the Shoreway). Instead of living at this Extended Stay (which is very nice), preferably I would rather live at home in Toledo as opposed to Cleveland. Toledo is my home and I took the job because its close to home and the only open position. I thought of this long commute and I realize that its a long drive, but Its not too bad. Its a 2-hour drive from Toledo to Cleveland and the route is directly down the Ohio Turnpike (I-80/90). I get on the turnpike and set my cruise control to 70-75 MPH. I have been doing this drive already now 2-3 times per week anyhow, so I thought perhaps its possible to just live at home and drive it instead of living in Cleveland at all. Eventually If I don't commute, I would have to get an apartment and I don't want to do that because I hope to transfer closer to Toledo one day eventually. I don't want to have to live here and also move into an apartment (with all thats involved in moving my things). It's hard to explain why I would want to do this, but all I can say is that there is no place like home. I know it sounds crazy, but it's not as far as it seems. So I am go to try a trial period just to see if I can handle it. I'll try it for 2-3 days, and then if I can handle it I'll extend it to 5 working days. Then I'll decide if it is something I want to undertake. The "commute" to Cleveland would be done each evening at 9:30pm and is 119 miles. (238 miles roundtrip). I would arrive in Cleveland around 11:30pm and would allow 30 minutes extra as a buffer in case of problems. One big concern I have is going to be weather though. Cleveland gets pretty snowy and is affected by winter badly. The route is mostly rural between Toledo and Cleveland and is open highway and rolling hills. Average Speed is 70-80MPH, but primarily 70-75MPH. I have given some thought and planning to this commute. I figure I will have to have a cadence and daily routine something like this: 12am to 8am (work) --> 10am (arrive back in Toledo) --> 10am to 4pm (sleep) --> 4pm to 6pm (optional sleep buffer) --> 6pm to 9pm (free time) --> 9pm to 9:30pm (get ready for work) --> 9:30pm to 11:30pm (drive to work) --> 11pm-11:59pm (extra drive time buffer). I work everyweek: Wednesday Thursday Friday Saturday Sunday Then, on Sunday I always leave work at 8am and get on I-90 and drive back to Toledo and I stay until Tuesday evening. Then I drive back to my Extended Stay hotel and get ready for work a couple hours later at 12am (WED). So in total I would have between 68-78 hours of free time at home in Toledo if I commute back and forth to work everyday for two hours. If I keep to doing my current plan, I will only be in Toledo on select 2-3 days per week (15- This can all be tweaked and modified of course, but it provides a basic framework. Expenses: Gasoline Usage One-Way: 2.38 Gal /per day Gasoline Usage Roundtrip: 4.76 Gal / per day One-Way Gasoline Cost: $6.42 per trip Round-trip Gasoline Cost: $12.85 per day EZ Pass trip Cost: $4.50 per trip EZ Pass Round-trip Cost: $9.00 per day Total Cost (monthly): Gasoline - $257.04 ($3,084 yearly; based on gas price average of $2.70 /US GAL). EZ Pass - $180.00 ($2160 yearly) Oil Change- $42.00 ($504.00 yearly based on one $42 Oil Change per month) Tires- $33.00 ($400.00 yearly) Total Monthly Cost: $512.00 If this all proves too much then ultimately I am prepared to live in Cleveland and keep doing what I'm doing now (visiting 2-3 times per week), but I would like to at least see if this is possible. What are some things to be concerned with? What is the feasibility of this commute? Is it worth it? This is approx 57,000 miles per year of driving. Will this lead to premature failure of the hybrid system? Any input is welcome, thanks everyone.
Highway driving only has 10% or 20% (I forget which) of the wear that city driving has. The hybrid battery also isn't used much on the highway, so there's little risk of damaging or overheating it with excessive discharging and charging.
I know plenty of people who quit their jobs because of it took more than 1.5 hours one way to get to work. If you didn't buy a home then I would move closer and get an apartment. For no reason in particular, I tend to move every 2 years and have more stuff that I ever need but I still move any ways. It's just the commute and getting up earlier and getting back home later than you want, that puts the toll on you physically and mentally. I drive 500 miles a week while listening to talk and FM radio during commute thru 2 other counties, its a drag but the salary justifies it.
The weather would be my biggest concern for an outside if what you can control perspective . I’d worry about egr circuit cleanse from a “what could you control” perspective and tackle that if kit already done. But I’d move to Cleveland as you are close enough to see family and friends at convenient times.
you're already beyond premature failure make sure you have cell coverage the whole way, get triple a if you don't have it, check your spare and jack situation, arm the car heavily with survival items and check the oil frequently have you ever cleaned the egr circuit?
What are some things to be concerned with? Becoming deceased or crippled or having the same happen to someone else due to falling asleep after working all night. This is a pretty important one. I've interviewed a lot of people in the hiring process. Not everyone is cut out for night shifts. The human body is not adapted to be up all night. A 2 hour drive after a night shift is no joke. What is the feasibility of this commute? After seeing hundreds of employees come and basic thumb rule is anyone with more than a one hour drive is likely a temporary employee. Could be due to them finding work closer to home, or attendance issues due to the commute. That doesn't mean I don't give them a chance, it just means I have the expectation they probably won't be with us as a multi-year employee. Is it worth it? Everything is worth it, until it isn't. Also noticed you didn't add in the extra expense of adjusting your car insurance for a 200+ mile daily drive. They're going to love that. But you would love it even less if you had a wreck while commuting and claims get denied because you told them you only drive 20 miles to work. This is approx 57,000 miles per year of driving. Will this lead to premature failure of the hybrid system? I doubt the car will care as long as you do normal maintenance on it.
I wouldn't be worried about the car. You've got the perfect car for absorbing a zillion miles. The weather is another story. You're going to need something planned for winter storms.
As an option to save money in lieu of the Extended Stay or for safety when you are just too tired to drive after work or there are winter storms, are you aware of Prius camping? Google "Prius stealth camping" if you are unsure what this is. It's much more comfortable than you may imagine. Best of all, its free (well, actually about $1.25 for the gas used).
I do a 520-mile round trip once per month on the same tank of gas... but 119 miles a day is a lot! I would move closer to work if I were in your situation. That sounds like a tiring drive
I agree. It's beginning to seem like the idea of making the drive might be too much. I was going to try it this week, but now I don't know if it's worth it. Seems too much.
My insurance asked when I initially began my coverage with them. But they haven't asked since or inquired upon my yearly or monthly mileage. And I just wouldn't tell them either. If I did decide to undertake this commute. Unless of course I did have an accident or something that's bad. Then I would have to. But it looks like I will probably just keep living in my Extended Stay and commute 20 minutes to downtown straight down I-90. And of course I drive home on my off days and periodically a time or two during the week.
That's weird, because each time I've ever been involved in an accident (4), I've always been interviewed by an officer for his report. This has always included asking where I was coming from and where I was heading. Whether that gets into every report or not, who knows. Every time I've ever purchased insurance for a vehicle, probably 6 or 7 different states over the years, I've had to document who in the family drives it most frequently, whether it's used for pleasure only or for driving to work, how many miles each way, approximate miles per year, etc.
I had a client 88 miles away so my longest commute was 176 miles if I had no other clients. (if they all call in a bad order, 330 miles) Maximum speed limit was 65 but mostly 55. (i did 61 so I was passing as many vehicles as passed me) MPG is still improving for the first 50 miles, it really likes long days.
The insurance company as well as the DMV see the mileage build over time come registration. It’d be tough to hide the mileage build as a “trip to Cleveland”. But I’ve never tried it, so maybe that’d work. I know our insurance company would be wise to this shell game.
not sure how they could know. i'm sure there are plenty of people who drive a lot, outside of their daily commute. my ins co asks for my mileage every year. i assume my rates are partially based on that. one thing they state clearly: vehicles under 5k/year get reduced rate i've been in a number of accidents in my 48 years of driving, and i don't ever recall a cop asking me where i was going
You don't have to answer this. The only information they need is "I was headed in this direction on this street".