Hi all; Being who I am, I've lost the key fobs for both my Prius, again. I still have one key fob for each, but I need to find a backup again. I looked up Amazon and the prices are in the $160 area. Last time I got one for under $100. Can someone recommend where to look for better priced fobs? Or any other suggestions not including me going brain surgery. Thanks!
You can buy one off eBay for $100. If you don't already have the programming kit, you can buy that for about $20 there too.
Check with a local locksmith or 3. Bite the bullet and pay the price. Maybe it will help with your "retraining".
Brain surgery won't help. I can't remember why..... As others have mentioned: eBay or Amazon. If you have two Priuses, then you probably live where there are some halfway decent locksmiths. Get one to program 4 fobs - two replacements for each car.
I have a key fob from my Prius Plug In that I recently totaled. My car came with 2 fobs, but I gave the one i used to the insurance company. I still have the second one that I didn’t use, so it should be in excellent condition. I just have to look for it. If you are in the Los Angeles area, we can make a deal iPhone ?
I know this is not really related, but a friend of mine's father in law lost his key fob once. He was brand new to the push button start cars. He too was not worried because he had a 2nd fob to use so he went on his way for the next 2 months or so. Finally, when doing a deep clean on the car he found his lost fob......under the driver's seat! Being new to the push button start car, he had no idea why it was chirping and tooting at him every time he closed the door and tried to lock it when he walked away.
5 or 6. But you can remove other fobs when you start programming if for some odd reason you already maxed that out.
I can’t say too many words in praise of a Tile. They’re made with replaceable batteries now. Given the fact that the fob forces a completely new user experience where you could conceivably put it in a purse/backpack/whatever and never touch your “keys” all day, it’s hard to develop the same kind of rhythm/ritual with keys that you’ve had since you started driving. With Tile, even if I can’t hear it chirp when I tap Find in the app, the interface has little rings that help zero in on where it is in my house/office. And if I left them somewhere farther away, it’ll show a map where they were last seen. I’m solidly Team Tile. It probably saves me a half hour every week looking for stuff like the fob.
Someone should market a proximity chip/transmitter that can be injected under your skin. It should be capable of being programmed for multiple applications. This would solve your problem.
Some lady had her tesla transmitter implanted in her arm so she doesn't have remember to bring it with her to start her car. Not very well thought out, she does have bring her purse w/driver license when she's in the car also.
She had to have the surgery redone as the first "didn't take". I wondered if that meant she got a nasty infection. I think she should tatoo her DL # on her forehead in case she forgets that too.
So now I can look this over again, for the spouse's keyrings (carrying my spare fobs, two different vehicles). The one year non-replaceable batteries in the original version made it a no-go.