We have perforated leather in our other car (Mazda CX9) and when doing the same drive North County San Diego to West Los Angeles, I don't have the "sweaty" problem. I do like the look of the Softex and ability to clean it, but for my long summer commutes about 2 1/2 hours I need to bring a change of clothes it's that bad. I will be looking into the seat covers, I really just want an all black cover to match the color of the interior and simply only need drivers side single seat. It appears as though the minimum order is for a pair (Front Seats)
It's not that, it's that it doesn't breath. So, if your back is up against it, it will over heat, even in winter. All four of my family members noticed it.
That I concur, but in winter I have too many layers to notice it. LOL It's the summer time stickiness I can't stand. This is true even for the perforated leather seats I have on our other car.
Softex = sweaty .....because Softex = Plastic. Period. Full Stop. It's a testament to good marketing that Toyota sells them as a premium seating surface. Personally, I like "synthetic leather" (Plastic) because it's easier to clean....resistant to some stains, etc.....HOWEVER....(comma!) sometimes sitting on plastic for hours and hours and hours while you're stuck in traffic makes you kinda miss seating that breathes a little more. The aviation community solved this problem decades ago. Why do many pilot seats have sheepskin covers? - BAA Flight School Advice: Find a seat cover that meets your needs and avoid carrying sharp objects in your rear pocket. Good Luck!
The Sonata I had before had ventilated leather seats. This was something I immediately missed on Prime.
Two words. Cabbie beads. I doubled mine over and poked the head rest prongs through to anchor them. Great airflow. I don't like sitting on them, so I just use them on the seatback. +1000 for seat ventilation in addition to heating. why have one without the other?
Sorry for the dirty seat, but 99,000 miles... I keep a pillow behind it as a lumbar support. I have also removed the passenger headrest, as I never have passengers, and it allows better vision out the side rear.