Do the math. You get $15000 in free hydrogen, & pay $15,000 for the car, and what do you net. Our local dealer will sell it for even under 15K! Used cars Irvine California | Tuttle-Click Automotive Group How bad is a customer's experience - when a car comes off lease, that you can't get the customer to keep it for another 3 years ... for free? But like the video points out, there have been fires at some of the stations, worldwide, leaving owners stranded - unable to gas up, and the only stations around are pretty much California ... not to mention, the refueling often takes longer than they advertise because someone exhausted the pressure before you got there. I would hope the Uber or taxi drivers snap these things up, make some real profit. Perhaps Toyota is doing this giveaway just to see how badly the maintenance costs are once the cars acquire over 40,000 miles - fleet-wide. In any event, I only see them for sale, not for lease. If owners can't unload them once the expensive free fuel card is used up - at least they're not out anything. Talk about some serious depreciation. .
They can always get something from the recycler for it. We aren't even close to the time that the tanks would need replacing.
What is the point of this vehicle? What a time and money sink. Should have put the energy into BEV and long range PHEV in my opinion.
Would not say he's mistaken or poorly informed....if he gets his hands on a tank of H2. Hydrogen would make for the best, most buoyant party balloons and most likely for the party to be a blast.
A welding supply store might have tanks of hydrogen. A big, heavy, awkward one might have enough gas to fill a Mirai a fifth of the way.
Toyota ends the Prius C in the U.S., but keeps the Mirai alive. Methinks some Toyota executives have their pride on the line for making a FCV work.
If the cars can be bought used very cheaply might be worth making a cng Mirai:0 or put a Prius Prime inside
(checking wallet) yep - (sigh) .... mostly just us californians - the land of fruits & nuts .... & over 56 square blocks of homeless. All those taxpayer hydrogen dollars could buy 'em a lot of shopping carts. .
Arunka Jackmnar says that there is no reason the Mirai couldn’t run cng as is just that the cell might foul up
reviewers say power is adequate, albeit nothing to drool over. That, & so so handling, & only 4 seats? meah - even if we didn't have decent transportation, it would be a tough sell, w/out vented leather seats, LKA & smart cruise. .