So if you look at the Hybrid System Indicator, on the page where it shows you your MPG every 5 minutes, you will see car icons stacked on each bar. On the right side there's the info saying that each car represents 50 Wh. What I am not sure is if it's the amount of electricity being generated or electricity being used. In Camry Hybrid, it represents the amount of electricity being used, but in that case, it's mentioned in the display.
It’s the amount of energy you’ve generated by braking. Always good to see a lot of cars there if you avoid using the actual brake pads .
Also know as regeneration. These symbols appear on downhills, and during stop-and-go braking such as city driving. On flat highways at steady speed, there should be none.
Always good to avoid regenerative braking too, when practical. You don't get back nearly as much mechanical energy as went into braking, due to losses. Worse, much of the lost energy ends up heating the battery.
Only couple of degrees, but if your pushing pass 60% soc then temps climb faster. As an experiment I drove down from the dam starting soc from 41% to 73%, temp jump 70F to 98F in 2 minutes. With my hv fan mod, the next weekend, temp only went up to 84F, same soc from 41 to 73 exactly.
It’s energy regenerated through regenerative braking. It’s 50Wh for the 5 min interval and 30Wh for the 1 min interval (hold DISP on that screen to toggle between 1 and 5 min bar graphs)
...and that's where your SOC will go if you're cruising merrily along at six segments, then have to stop on a downhill, especially if you have to do the same again soon. That scenario yields considerably more than a couple of degrees increase, in my experience.
Generated 1.21 gigawatts. SOC 78% in red, ICE only at 150F though. HV air intake mod kept battery below 90F, usually around 105F w/o the mod.
He basically disassembles his interior. Not for those who carry passengers . But if it is just you, why not.
Wait, where are you getting that 1.2 GW figure? You produces 510 Wh in 15 mins. Multiplying that by 4 you'll get the amount of electricity you produce in an hour (2040 Wh or 2.04 KWh). Since you produced 2.04 KWh electricity in an hour, the rate of electricity produced is 2.04 KW. It's nowhere near GigaWatt... Posted via the PriusChat mobile app.
Cold air from AC piped directly to the HV air intake, cools the HV battery to mid 70Fs when it's 100F+ outside ambient temp.
I did not get the joke either. With Three Mile Island finally closing down last week, I was hoping they might be able to replace it with your Prius.