Issue is a VSC light. Trouble codes are for C1234 "Yaw Rate Sensor" and C1210 "Zero point calibration of yaw rate sensor undone" Can I buy a used functioning Y.R.S. for $20 and put in and be good to go?? My mechanic said his scanner cannot calibrate but he can put it in. Would a used but functioning and presumably already calibrated Y.R.S. be a plug and play part or would I need to go and pay hundreds at the dealer for them to press 3 buttons on a scanner in 10 seconds? Mechanic said this is basically a dummy code that doesn't really affect anything.
Well, ordered part for about $20 but this thread says disconnecting 12V corrected issue (although only 1 post and no update my guess it would come back): DTC C1234 | PriusChat
Disconnected 12V and installed the used $20 part (located underneath the middle armrest)....So far so good the light has remained off since install w/o having to calibrate anything. Will update if it comes back.
Hi Milky, I know it has been a while but I am wondering if you have any update? My 12v died and I had to get jumped. Since then my VSC light has been lit. I am guessing it is the yaw rate sensor, and thinking of getting one off Ebay. Also, am I right in thinking it is under the center armrest/ easy to get to? Thanks! Thank you!
You might take a moment to check the trouble code. If it's only that the zero point calibration needs to be done, just do that, you don't have to take apart or replace anything. Just park on a flat level surface and tell the calibration to start, and don't jostle the car for two seconds while it's happening.
Thanks, I will try to hunt down a guide to translate the dashboard flashing lights from the paperclip method to codes and go from there. Than I will try to find a guide on doing a zero point calibration correctly Thank you!
Update - It looks like I have VSC code 34 I saw this thread VSC Code 34 | PriusChat where a member Seilerts said "VSC 34 (C1234) is for the yaw rate sensor, which is showing malfunction during the sensor self-check. Seems like it could have happened during your low battery event, but it should have gone away if everything was ok." The thread is old and the members in it have not been online in years. Having said that I want to get a look at that Sensor. Any advice on getting to the part, attaching a new one, etc, or is it all straight forward? ... I am thinking of buying one off ebay now. I would check its connection first, but I do not know how it would come undone on its own as I believe it lives under the armrest Additionally, with a paperclip in, I have the Tire Pressure monitoring system blinking 22 times ( I can not decipher that one) and the Brake/ ABS like flashing constantly and in unison so I don't know what to make of that. Thanks again for any and all help!
I am not a mechanic but my mechanics snap-on scanner picked up the specific codes for yaw rate sensor. Looks like you have kinda verified that yours has same code. If I remember correctly the part was cheap like $30 on eBay? So not the end of the world to gamble on it and just do it. I watched mechanic change it out. And yes it is somewhere underneath the center armrest I believe he removed the entire thing and it is right there. Took him about 20 minutes give or take iirc. Good luck and let us know how it goes.
A constant fast flash just means that ECU has no code to report. The 22 from TPMS ought to be in the Repair Manual ... have you looked there, and not found it?
Just to update you guys- I never found that other code, I will see if my library has a Chilton's I can look it up in, however, I did go to a local junk yard.... bad news- bought some trunk hatch lifts and they were garbage, AND I dented my car a bit when I pulled the first one and it slammed down, BUT... I got a yaw sensor from a wreck for 2.50! I installed it and the VSC light is gone! Woohooo!!! Thank you all! If anyone can recommend an aftermarket lift for the hatch I am all ears btw! And I discovered I have leaky headlights (fog inside) ...the repairs never end, lol!