Asking for a friend, literally, as I'm a G2 guy. Her fob battery died and she claimed she couldn't start the car until she got a new fob battery. On a G2, there's a slot in the dash where you can insert the fob if the battery won't start it. Is there no such slot in a v? (I think it's a 2012 or 13)
Nope. They did away with that after the Gen2 when the Gen3 was released. Time to buy a new fob battery.
The car can still start until she gets a battery by holding the fobs logo against the start button. Then use the mechanical key in the fob to get I to the car. But buy the battery and keep these work around to a minimum .
Last time I bought fob batteries they came in a 12 pack. So I have plenty strewn about in conspicuous locations . But test it prior to use as some are less than 3.1 volts and won’t work or last long.
Keeping the spare batteries in the glove box in Las Vegas might make them last for less time than the one in the fob. We keep spares for all our batteries in a cabinet in the house. If the fob battery dies, just use it the way @Raytheeagle described (which is the method for anything newer than Gen 2) till you get home. Then replace the battery and you're good to go again. Much less stressful than fussing with tiny screws and/or small black plastic pieces in a dark parking lot or in 105F heat.
I've only driven a (rented) G2 for one day but that was one of my favorite features in the car- a place to put the key. When the day comes that I suffer the indignity of a truly "modern" car with an electronic key I imagine I'll have to put one of those adhesive hooks on the dashboard to hold it while I drive. Whatever it takes to keep the pockets empty...
Odd, my fob never leaves my pocket. I have twice needed to hold the Fob to the power button, and once in a blue moon I open the doors remotely.
Neither do mine. But the actual point is that the car isn't a good place to keep the spare batteries and there's no reason to do so. And, unless that friend lives in a place where the sun doesn't shine, it gets hot in the car. Exactly. The fob stays in my pocket everywhere I go till I get home. Then it goes on my desk on the old mouse pad dedicated for that purpose. It won't be found anywhere else unless I'm swimming. (And that's about once every two years.)
All my spare batteries (at least the small/tiny ones) live in the door shelves of my refrigerator… …just sayin'
I carry stuff in pockets when I'm not in the car. Once I'm in, I'm more comfortable with empty pockets. Keep in mind, I don't commute. I drive long distances on fairly random schedules.
If in the fridge, make sure they are protected from any possible moisture condensation from the inrush of warm outside air every time the door is opened. Electric leak paths through that condensed moisture can be worse than any gains from cold storage. I.e. try to keep them in back in a sealed container with some desiccant to absorb any moisture. An open pack stashed in the door shelves is just asking for condensing moisture.