i do not have a handheld tester for inspection...most of the testing results in replacing the air conditioning amplifier...one test result calls for replace of air inlet control servomotor. Is there a pattern of this code showing the failure of one result over the other or an easy fix?
i do not have a handheld tester for inspection...most of the testing results in replacing the air conditioning amplifier...one test result calls for replace of air inlet control servomotor. Is there a pattern of this code showing the failure of one result over the other or an easy fix?
Will leave this here in case someone needs the work up: https://share.qclt.com/%E4%B8%B0%E7%94%B0%E6%99%AE%E7%91%9E%E6%96%AF%E5%8E%9F%E5%8E%82%E8%8B%B1%E6%96%87%E6%89%8B%E5%86%8Cpdf%E6%A0%BC%E5%BC%8F/Prius%20Service%20Manuals%202004/%E4%BF%AE%E7%90%86%E6%89%8B%E5%86%8C/04pruisr/05/2044g/cib14424.pdf
techstream was able to show data but i am not able to interpret the results...i cleaned out the blower area,change the cabin filter and cleared the code... will drive tomorrow and recheck for codes the day after...do you think the nest in the blower area could have set off the code?
It's possible... Did you know you're suppose to replace the filter every 6 months? Lol... That's so much material I'd reccomend using lots of specialized vacuum cleaner attachments to stick up into as many of the venting places as possible. Other concern is inspecting for worst case scenario, which is that they like the taste of your wires.
just wondering if there is a way to install some type of barrier, like a screen, to keep these critters from entering?
There are threads here about doing exactly that. Not sure the fastest way to search them up. If I remember right, @cyberpriusII has experience in that department, might look for some of her threads. -Chap
Creating a barrier is possible... But if you always keep a clean empty car and change this filter every six months like you're supposed to the car will make a far less hospitable place for rodents to live. I've seen it on here again and again... People live like slobs and never clean out their half-finished snacks, especially sunflower seeds and nuts ask how they can keep the rodents out. Truth is the rodents are not the problem, just the symptom of a person who doesn't know how to take good care of their car by keeping it clean and empty.
Considering the extreme amount of debris that was sitting on the cabin air filter, I think it is reasonable for you to expect that some of that debris got past the filter and is blocking the "door" that allows fresh air to enter the cabin, or recirculation to occur. If you consult the factory repair manual, it will show you how to exercise the door using Techstream. If you find that the door does not move, I would suggest that you first consider how to get to that motor, remove it, and clear any debris. You may be able to get to, and remove the motor after removing the black plastic dashboard assembly. If not, you would have to further disassemble the dashboard to get to the air conditioner evaporator/blower assembly and remove the whole unit. That latter activity is not going to be simple or fun.
techstream health check this morning....no codes at all...headed for home depot... screen purchase in my future.
After pressing the physical "climate" button on the left side of the MFD screen, look for the fresh air/recirculate toggle in the lower right corner of the MFD screen, right next to the Auto toggle.