Who's interested?

Discussion in 'Local Prius Club Main Forum' started by DaveinOlyWA, Jul 23, 2004.

  1. DaveinOlyWA

    DaveinOlyWA 3rd Time was Solariffic!!

    Apr 13, 2004
    South Puget Sound, WA
    2013 Nissan LEAF
    ya cool!!

    i dont have much preference for distance either. but i frequently work weekends but because im on an east coast schedule, i am usually off early in the afternoon.

    so ill go as far south as portland and as far north as everett??? or there abouts. actually im open. i will go farther if the interest is there.

    i was prowling the other local chapters and there was a huge gathering in san diego and someone took a picture of the parking lot. there was like 35 Prius they completely filled up two rows. it was a beautiful sight!!

    i want something like that!! but if i can get 3 people together, ill do it.
  2. InTheWASide

    InTheWASide New Member

    Jun 20, 2004
    Everett, WA
    Well, I'm just gonna propose a TIME for the first one, and that would be after I'm there. 8) And from what I've heard from my friends in Lynnwood it's been MISERABLE the last week or so. Maybe the cool air will return when I do. Actually, it will return when I do, so just wait... The "Second Coming of Brad" as I put it with my friends, is soon at hand... Repent now, and give me your money! :p KIDDING... you can keep your money
    As far as locations, I would propose something either in Kirkland, Bellevue or Redmond since as far as the lake is concerned, it's a good central location.

    A previous post I made gives a few suggestions for Kirkland.

    As far as Bellevue goes, there's everything from ANOTHER Cucina Cucina, PF Changs, Ruth's Chris Steakhouse, California Pizza Kitchen, Red Robin. Everything from super upscale to $7-9 at Red Robin. Since that's all surrounding the mall it WOULD be hard to cluster them and show them off, BUT there is that cool little park across the street to hang out at and we could either A) Get food togo and hang out in the park, or B) hang in the park and PARK at the park and then grab a bite to eat later on. Also, if all the owners going to any particular meet happen to be over 21, I've heard great stuff about this place called the "Tap House" From what friends have told me they have over 100 kinds of beer on tap and they have some pretty awesome food too! Obviously if we have people under 21 we shouldn't go there, or at least save it for later, but that's an idea too.

    Redmond, there's Claim Jumper at the Town Center... having a hard time picturing all the other stuff in my head since I haven't leved there for 3.5 years, but Claim Jumper has a bit of everything and if it's a bit too expensive for some... Uhh, HELLO, an elephant couldn't eat a whole plate they put in front of you... Anyone trying to save $ can pair up and split an entree, or even the appetizer samplers are GREAT for 3-4 people (and I think about $25, so $6/person)

    So that's my take... I'm currently trying to stumble through my computer programs and make some kind of cool little thing for our innaugural meet. (Little card type things, or a "Program") Just a little something as a memento for anyone that's gonna be there right from the start! (hear that Dave.. you HAVE to wait now... otherwise NO LITTLE MEMENTO!!)

    Talk to you all soon!
  3. Frank Hudon

    Frank Hudon Senior Member

    Jan 11, 2004
    I'll second Bellevue, with the mall there I'd easily talk the wife into it. If it was a saturday even better. Sunday fine, friday fine. Now a date. On the calander;)
  4. InTheWASide

    InTheWASide New Member

    Jun 20, 2004
    Everett, WA
    Eww... someone's gonna be coming from Canadia for this? :pukeright: Can we make some rule that only people from a nation with a VIABLE economy can go? :mrgreen:

    Anyone uncertain, I am SOOOO kidding!
  5. Frank Hudon

    Frank Hudon Senior Member

    Jan 11, 2004
    Well that lets out California;) with a Hummer driving leader? That should be the criteria for attendance;) Joke!
  6. DaveinOlyWA

    DaveinOlyWA 3rd Time was Solariffic!!

    Apr 13, 2004
    South Puget Sound, WA
    2013 Nissan LEAF
    ok i mentioned in the other thread that now we need concrete ideas for a meet spot.

    so im taking the first 3 suggestions to arrange a vote for all interested parties.

    so we are looking for

    1) a place to meet
    2) what we can do there
    3)why you think it would be good

    things to consider

    1) weather. if outside, too early in the afternoon might be unpleasant since the weather has been so flaky. early evening might be better since it gets dark very late and most evenings are pleasant as to be cool without being too hot or cold.

    2) if a restaurant is planned. try to pick a place that has menu variety. we need to consider that some people may have diet restrictions or simply not like specialities places like seafood, chicken or pizza. some specility places do have a wide selection so they would be ok.

    3) also lets try for something that everyone can afford. some of us maybe on a budget and i would hate to see someone not go because they cant afford it. i think around $10 per person for food is good.

    ok ... so submit a place that is in the seattle-bellevue area. since most are closest to there we can start there.


    first 3 submissions will be voted on.!!

    so hurry!!

    i guess a tentative meet time will be end of august, first of sept time frame. let me know if anyone wants to meet earlier. if we get enough we can do something im sure.
  7. InTheWASide

    InTheWASide New Member

    Jun 20, 2004
    Everett, WA
    Oh Daaavid....

    We already did that... Well, my earlier post suggested three places but... I did get a second re: Bellevue... And you haven't replied to my mention of wait til I'm there or you get NO TRINKET!! I mentioned everything from weather and indoor/outdoor options, places with a HUGE variety, and a restaurant where people can get food for under $9... It only gets cheaper than that at McDonalds...

    So what's with the repost buddy? You got your three suggestions... I even thought them through :mrgreen:
  8. DaveinOlyWA

    DaveinOlyWA 3rd Time was Solariffic!!

    Apr 13, 2004
    South Puget Sound, WA
    2013 Nissan LEAF
    ok lets say this suggestions started when i made the new post

    each person is allowed only one place so you can submit one.


    if everyone is agreeable to the places you suggested then you need to resubmit with addresses and directions and estimated cost.

    im sure since you are not here yet that someone who lives near where you are refering to can help with that.

    also, if not using positive personal knowledge. please verify directions if using a map service.

    also, you admit to having a hard time remembering specifics. as most will be coming from out of town, specifics is what we need.

    also because of smoking issues, drinking issues and age limitations, bars should be out. alcohol can be bought at nearly every restaurant.

    The Red Robin idea needs details but i think it would fly. although in a mall area (arent they all??), if they are a separate building then parking close should be no problem. they are usually out from the mall enough to where mall parking doesnt interfere too much. the park sounds great. but it also gives us a safety net in case it rains.
  9. Starbug

    Starbug New Member

    Jul 3, 2004
    Redmond, WA
    2007 Prius
    LOL, Brad & Frank... ! I've now had my giggles for the night.

    Lets see, there's a Ruby's Diner in Redmond Town Center (mall also contains food, shops, theater). There is the Crossroads Mall in Bellevue with stuff (food, shops, a theater if we all wanna see Alien vs Preditor...*looks innocent*)... Um, parks are always good. We can picknick and BS all day, and be in the shade too. Parks in Redmond: Grass Lawn, Anderson, Marymore. And I'm pretty sure there's some in Bellevue too.

    But like I said in the other thread Dave started, I will do recon in Redmond tomorrow and get back with specific places and whatnot. Somebody near or in Bellevue should do the same since it looks like we are in favor of both cities at the moment.
  10. InTheWASide

    InTheWASide New Member

    Jun 20, 2004
    Everett, WA
    Well I was out there not even a month ago, and grew up in Kirkland for 17 years (22 now) Take the 405, exit NE 8th) and go west on it (TOWARD the large buildings of downtown Bellevue) You'll get to an intersection where you see an unfinished highrise on the SE corner (your direct left), and the mall across from it on the SW corner (across the street and to the left). The added new facade work for the restaurants, but I believe on that SW corner you're still able to physically see a big white Crate and Barrel building.

    I personally can't think of the name of the street that this intersection is at (NE 8th & ________) so maybe someone can help there, but you take a left at that intersection, and you'll see Red Robin (attached and in with the mall, not a stand alone restaurant) on the right. Shortly after you'll see places to pull in and park. It's all covered, multilevel parking. Park and walk in. :D Only reason to park somewhere else is if we wanted to park somewhere that people driving down the street could do a "what the...?" double take. :wink:

    So other than the name of the cross street for the mall, there's directions for ya. I know they've been doing a LOT of overpass work right there at the Bellevue exits, so there could be a detour of some kind underway. Someone right in the eastside can hopefully provide us with an "up to date" freeway status a couple days prior. Worst case scenario, take the next exit after NE 8th and go to a gas station for help, but I can totally agree that we should try to avoid that if possible.
  11. DaveinOlyWA

    DaveinOlyWA 3rd Time was Solariffic!!

    Apr 13, 2004
    South Puget Sound, WA
    2013 Nissan LEAF
    i know the place if you are talking Bellevue Square.

    it is fronting 8th ave just below ....ummm...nordstroms, or macys... or ... one of those major clothes shops. The Bon's?? in fact its nearly dead center in the middle.

    that would be nice since it has outdoor seating, but for people who have never been there. what ever you do, remember where you parked your car or you will spend days wandering around looking for your car!!!
  12. InTheWASide

    InTheWASide New Member

    Jun 20, 2004
    Everett, WA
    Well, the parking lot security guys have no problem helping out if that's the case. (IT HELPS TO KNOW YOUR LICENSE PLATE #, BTW) and there's the park that's right around the corner so we could all park up over there. Bellevue Square also has options (not sure if anyone would WANT TO) but you can either get the car valeted (I know, valet at a mall... what the hell...) OR they have a detailing service while you're shopping etc. Although I'm not sure how PRACTICAL it would be fun to go to the detail guys with like a dozen or so Prii and be like "Alrighty boys, all yours. Pick em up in 2 hours?" :twisted:

    Anyone that's never been out that way, they DO have the little pillar letter and number things i.e. "I parked in G-6" That sort of thing.

    (I used to work at that mall... parking and finding my car if it wasn't the end of the night was a B*TCH!!!)

  13. Starbug

    Starbug New Member

    Jul 3, 2004
    Redmond, WA
    2007 Prius
    Oh lordy.... it's been years since I was last at Bellvue Square. I don't ever remember valet parking or a detailing station, but hey it's been a LONG time since I was last there. Place is probably quite different now.

    BTW, results of my recon can now be seen at Dave's other thread: http://priuschat.com/forums/viewtopic.php?...p?p=30426#30426
  14. DaveinOlyWA

    DaveinOlyWA 3rd Time was Solariffic!!

    Apr 13, 2004
    South Puget Sound, WA
    2013 Nissan LEAF
    umm ya valets... i am not yet secure enough with myself to hand over my fob to anyone else.

    it was traumatic to get my car paint sealed and fab protect until i was told that i could choose someone who had taken a supervised test drive of my car when i first got it. but being an unsupervised drive did make me nervous enough as it was.

    luckily my Prius seems to have suffered no ill effects.
  15. Starbug

    Starbug New Member

    Jul 3, 2004
    Redmond, WA
    2007 Prius
    That would traumatise me too; I couldn't do it.

    ...why would you need to get your paint sealed? Aren't they supposed to do that when they finish painting it in the first place??
  16. hdrygas

    hdrygas New Member

    May 22, 2004
    Olympia Wa
    2004 Prius
    The Apple Store!!!! The only way my wife can drag me to the place that and the Orvis store down the street. I need a new fly rod.
  17. DaveinOlyWA

    DaveinOlyWA 3rd Time was Solariffic!!

    Apr 13, 2004
    South Puget Sound, WA
    2013 Nissan LEAF
    actually all new cars are clear coated but clear coat will yellow eventually and it does scratch so the shine will fade.

    paint sealer is just another level of protection to keep the finish shiny. clear coat will only really be effective for 3 years or so and is harder to maintain. (oh btw, all car manufacturers will claim that clear coat lasts much longer while all car dealers will claim that clear coat lasts much shorter, so you decide)

    keep in mind that considering that your car is constantly bombarded by dirt at 65+ mph, its amazing that the paint lasts as long as it does. (and yes on the freeway, there is always dirt out there.

    now some say that there is no advantage to having sealer put on while the car is new... but i dont believe that. I had one car that i didnt have paint sealed and it was a mistake. keep in mind that WA weather deteriorates clear coat faster because of long periods of wet conditions. if you garage your car frequently, then you have less to worry about. i dont have covered parking at work so that is why i got it.
  18. Starbug

    Starbug New Member

    Jul 3, 2004
    Redmond, WA
    2007 Prius
    Ah, I had no idea. I've never had a new car (they've always been an 80-something model), and the paint is already in poor condition by the time it ends up in my hands. I also don't have a garage, so my cars sleep outdoors. :( *makes note to have her Prius sealed*
  19. Hybred

    Hybred New Member

    Apr 16, 2004
    Renton, WA
    I'll put a couple eateries on the table:
    Chili's at Crossroads
    Cheesecake Factory in Bellevue Square
    And the downstairs (somewhat lower priced fare) Il Fornaio area in Pacific Place in Seattle.

    When? Preferably not 3 weeks from now as I'll be out of town/city/village. Oh and no full moon nights as I get the urge to itch and hunt small vermin.
    Time? Evenings are agreeable.
    a'right I put my smelly scents in, anyone else?
  20. InTheWASide

    InTheWASide New Member

    Jun 20, 2004
    Everett, WA
    I've been out of WA for 3.5 years, but Mercer Island is considered a town/city/village now?

    Would have thought if ANYTHING the yuppies would have routed the 90 AROUND the island, but up old style English kingdom walls and turrets and renamed it the "Republic/Kingdom/Monarchy/Paradise of Mercer Island"

    That and Gary Locke on the way out... Gonna be weird getting used to all the changes.

    BTW, speaking of the election, I'm assuming it's the same day as the presidential (election day) but... Who all is running (the main ones) what do they CURRENTLY do in the state (Lt Governor, County Executive, Mayor of _____, etc) and what is their party affiliation? If anyone can take a few secs to fill me in I'd really appreciate it.