YESTERDAYS POST 12Th August So I'm asking the brethren, for some help, please ? Here is the history; 1) 2006 gen 2 , bog standard version, blue in color, fairly good condition, paid $3.000.00 for the unit. second day of driving it, threw a code C1256,C1310, UO293 along with some lost communication code , triangle of death, limp mode etc etc . 2)Short version, with basic electronics background, i pulled the main battery and followed this Russian guys blog, on U-Tube who lives in US. He was extremely thorough. His ID on U-Tube is Igor Kadulenkov. So I followed the battery reconditioning to the letter, then some, I have 4 full battery packs at my disposal. Anyhow we got through it had taken a couple of intensive weeks. I drew 3-4 batteries from the donor packs as mentioned and changed out the faulty ones, balanced the pack and put it back into service. So, it didn't work. Laugh Out Loud ! 3) Moving on, I had taken note that some of the time, when I received the triangle of death, along with engine light, battery fan running, and the brake icon (I Think,) 4) Next I changed both front brake sensors (ABS) didn't fix problem. 5) So my next plan is to change my Hybrid Water Pump, Then I will put a set of new spark plugs into the engine. I am fully aware this wont fix the problem. 6) So the next major brainstorm, is to change the main Hybrid Unit under the bonnet engine bay (Inverter/Convertor Unit) which involves inverter cooling system bleed. I will go right over the vehicle disconnecting, cleaning and reconnecting electrical plugs (This Car is Not going To Beat Me) I got ripped off buying it, now I'm hopefully going to fix it . So begging and cringing , I ask all of the prius experts to please throw their hat into the ring, throw some ideas around. I HOPE ITS NOT THE ABS UNIT , that job looks scary. Please bare in mind, this Prius drives perfectly , sometimes it goes for two weeks before it starts the games. ABS functions perfectly , Ive tested it on loose surface. But I have 3 things, which are the following; 1)Throws the faults on hitting a bump sometimes. 2)Seems do it when screaming along at 100ks. Up until now, it usually didn't do it at low speeds. But now its starting to throw these codes at low speeds. It did it the other night while cruising slowly through a car parking station, on battery only. And It starting to do it, when going into the fault codes, using my Bosch general purpose scan tool, 200 hundred dollar unit (Generic) So this has been plaguing me for three months, slowly getting worse. If I am forced to take it to Toyota, the battles lost. ))))) I thank you in anticipation. TODAY 13TH AUGUST #1 Transit, Yesterday at 8:23 PM So I'm attempting getting used to this great, chat forum . However it wont let me post a formal (Reply To You Guys,) something about me not being part of the forum for long enough and the number of posts, which Ive uploaded. (No Idea ? But Soon Enough It Will Become Clear I Expect) So based on the info you guys released to me, I didn't want to mess anybody around, so I went and looked up a friend who has a pirate copy of Techstream. (Well I'm Guessing This) So we plugged in the laptop and he had hassles, with talking to the Toyota but he managed to extract the codes through Techstream, one code at a time. He may have some hassle with the OBD2 reader, I don't know ? Anyhow, we got some info , please see the following :- U0121 -Lost Communication with Anti-Lock Brake System (ABS) Control Module. U0293-Lost Communication with Hybrid Vehicle Control System P0A80- Replace Hybrid Battery Pack So the last code is disheartening, considering the amount of work that was put into the job, reconditioning the pack. Maybe we did something wrong or maybe the packs are just too old ? Anyhow it is what it is ! So with your experiences, is it as simple as install a brand new battery pack ? Done Deal Fixed, No More Hassles ? OR IS THEIR OBVIOUSLY MORE TO THIS ? OR IS IT , IF THE PACK IS CACTUS, OR SIMPLY A MODULE CACTUS ? Do these other problems occur ? No Matter What , I intend To whether The Storm And Stick To These Little Gems, Eventually The Penny Will Drop And I Should Get Some Understanding Over Time, Together With Experience , In turn I Can Help People. Thanks Again Regards Transit
Don't worry about the High voltage battery pack yet... That error code needs to be checked after the other codes are resolved... Basically the main computer has lost communication with peripheral computers. The fact that it's both ABS computer and the HV battery computer makes me think the problem is with your main computer... Ideally, if you have access to a replacement you could swap it out to see if that's the problem. And while swapping it out inspect the wiring harness and plugs for signs of damage or corrosion.
Much Thank You, Pruis Camper, I Have A "Dona" Prius To Draw Parts From. Its An 03 or 04. Just one other question. Ive noticed on Gen2 Prius early versions have slightly different instrument head up, I think the fuel gauge is located into a slightly different layout. Which makes me a little concerned if required . When needing say ? A main hybrid unit (Under The Bonnet, High Tension Unit) Remove and replace into the later model ? So in other words if needed can I take the Inverter/Converter from the 03-04, reinstalling into my 06 ? And last, where is the main computer located in my vehicle ? Thank You Transit
Don't have experience with that so hard to answer your questions... But if you start searching online for spare parts you'll eventually establish if your '04 parts car's computer is compatible with your '06. Usually the main ECU is mounted under the dashboard. Perhaps someone with experience with this will chime in?
I’m about to rio the dash apart and try changing the main computer , checking for wiring corrosion, etc etc ! This is going to be fun
I Just Changed The CV Boots, In An Effort To Get To The Center Of The Code Issues ? Have Anything Further To Add, With Regard To Fixing This Mess ? I Was Also, Thinking Of Changing Out The Two Front Seats !
What exactly code did you read that prompted you to change the CV Boots? Yes I think changing the 2 front seats will absolutely solve all your problems.
LOL All Jokes aside, I am going to re-due the tied old battery, as 3 units have failed based on Tech-Stream. See what happens after that. I am currently, in the middle of producing another battery pack now. If these old battery's continue failing ill buy a new one. Ill keep you all posted, Cheers
Not sure but me thinks your using 03 parts in the 06 is not the best idea. Some / most parts may be interchangeable, but when your getting codes, that is the time to start putting the part from the donna car back into the donna car again. At least until you verify each part from the 03 is compatible with the 06. You also mentioned techstream in two different posts. Are they the same techstream? If they are I'd recommend you get the real thing from TIS Where can I find Toyota repair information and publications online?
In the end it was one faulty battery . I’m reconditioning Nickel Metal Hydride battery packs now . Absolutely successful at it . Thanks Guys Note . If you are getting lots of code issues like I experienced ☝️ They can be sympathy codes , which in my case was the issue . I repaired the battery ! Done deal ! That was a long time ago !