If it tastes the same or pretty close then I'm game. Factory farming is pretty horrific, so anything that breaks it's stranglehold is a plus in my book.
I think I'm with @noonm on that one. I've only tried the impossible hamburger once so far, but I liked it. It came off like a regular burger cooked in a bit of peanut oil. I have very definitely eaten real beef burgers that weren't as good.
So be it then. You guys wash your vegan down with tequila. I'll wash my bacon cheese burger down with a chocolate shake.
Unless you are getting coal briquettes from China, charcoal is close to carbon neutral, as the carbon is from wood.
But still be conscious because of lots of particulate emissions and not clean burning. Maybe I recalled incorrectly, thought you were a vegan or vegetarian. Just a mere mortal like the rest of us who still eats some real meat.
did i say that? i hope not. yeah, just another mortal. i try to keep it high fibre, nuts, legumes, a lot of veggies. but there is always other protein, just rarely red meat
"Unless you are getting coal briquettes..." @64. Funny you should mention that. They are powdered coal mixed with clay soil as a binder. As contaminated soils are not rare around here, some folks avoid street food cooked in that way.
Seeing how most of rural China still uses coal for heating and cooking, I don't see how people are surprised by China's coal use. Adding to this. Some GMO's were developed to increase the nutritonal content.
Must have never been to FHOPol before. It gets petty there and objectionable things get said. I guess all about everyone’s sensitivity and perception being reality .
"Just a mere mortal like the rest of us who still eats some real meat." Re-read your statement - it should be clear.
You’re excused because you’re new here. In the future it may be wise to consider that most of us know each other in this forum to a large degree. For reference, this was jest. Consider treading lighter until the terrain is better understood.
In terms of CO2 and methane, beef production 'sticks out' among animal proteins. There is at least a niche market for plausible substitutes, and it has much potential for expansion. Does not imply that cow farming will collapse within a few decades, because many people still like it. There is nothing objectionable or 'personal' about tallying effects of all global agricultural efforts. Have we mentioned porcine swine flu in Asia? It has led to an enormous culling effort, and I am surprised that meat prices have increased as little as they have done.
If you use propane to grill you can turn it on, warm up for 2-3 minutes, cook a couple of burgers, chicken, salmon, whatever, then shut it off. With charcoal it takes 15-30 minutes to get up to temp, you cook, then it still burns another 30 - 60 minutes (unless you dump water on it. Not too efficient unless you are cooking a large quantity. Mike
Wow, so now it's about the carbon footprint of the food people eat...? Really? I eat maybe once a day, weigh only 147lbs and ate 3 peaches yesterday (yes that's all I had). Never have had much of an appetite. But do I need to be worried about those peaches and how much fuel the truck used to get that peach to Indiana? iono - just getting a bit old being "guilted" into carbon this/carbon that everyday in the news, online and now here.