i have a 2012 Prius Vv. I am having an issues of failing door lock actuators and wanted to see if this was a common problem. I have replaced every door lock actuators once and the drivers door twice. Yes you read that right 5 actuators in one car. All have been covered by warranty, but come on. I can't be the only one. Let me know what you all are seeing. Thanks.
honestly, i don't even recall reading about anyone else replacing one under warranty. i'm sure it's happened, but 5? i'll be interested to see what others report. what does the dealer say? i think i would be calling toyota.
My dealer is an idiot. They just said we replaced the actuator and maybe it was a bad lot of actuators. IDIOTS. I called Toyota and they made a case file but since I already got it fixed they told me to call if it happens again.
that's good. at least you're documented. it's the unusual dealer who isn't an idiot. i wish i could say more, but this is not common, even on older prius. maybe the drivers door, if any.
I just wrote a post. I had 2 actuators replaced under warranty a few years ago. Since then, I have replaced one of those and one of the other ones. That's 4 on my 2013.
When I first bought this Gen 3, it had a silly feature enabled that would needlessly cycle all the lock actuators every time I shifted in or out of Park. That was one of the first settings to get changed. Maybe that's good for something.
So, how many times do you figure that you shift into or out of Park when it would NOT be a good idea to also either lock or unlock the doors ? For most of my driving the answer is NONE. Because I lock the doors for security.......and unlock them to get OUT.
Pretty much every time I shift in or out of Park and no one has disturbed the right front, right rear, or left rear lock actuator for any reason. And if the spirit moves me to lock the left front for security, I can do that, and leave it that way until I want out, regardless of how many times I shift.
Good for you....not being sucked in by all these newfangled convenience factors !! Another case of personal preference. Given the price of the fix, you actually have a good point in this case.