I have a 2005 Prius (205K miles) and 2008 Prius (255K miles). I changed ABS actuator. Took several days and about five hours. Bought Phoenix Reverse brake bleed system. Had tried two other methods of bleeding brakes and would not work. After Phoenix Reverse brake bleed (seemed to be successful), I cleared ABS codes with 4 - 13 jumper, diagnostic mode, pump pedal 8 times quickly (less than 5 seconds). However, I still have red triangle. My OBDII reader stated P010A (MAF sensor). I removed it, cleaned it, same problem, code will not clear. I took the MAF out of the 2005, cleaned it, and installed and still same problem. However, the 2005 will drive with either MAF sensor. Both output .66 V when ignition on and engine not running (also verified good ground and +12V). The 2005 will jump the voltage up when the internal combustion engine starts. Did I miss a related connector when I reinstalled the inverter? When I disconnect the MAF sensor I get about 5 error codes, I cannot remember them, but they all cleared when I reconnect MAF. I did not have P010A with MAF disconnected. I cannot figure out what to do from here.
Since you didn't use techstream to bleed the brakes, what are you using to read the stored OBD2 codes (DTC's) ?
I used a small Bluetooth BAFX obd2 reader purchased off Amazon. I bought an mini VCI cable off Amazon, but I have not been able to get it to work. I have tried to install several versions of texturing. I did get the mvci drivers installed my command line unpacking the MSI file. However, the cable fails the test when connected to the vehicle with the vehicle on.
Voice recognition rendered Techstream texturing, and I installed by command line unpacking the msi file. Thank you for your help.
So did you resolve your car’s problem? It was not obvious which Prius had the problem - was the 2008 having the issue with the MAF sensor?
Sorry to not be more clear. 2008 gives P010A error with both MAF sensors, 2005 will run with either. Problem not resolved. Multiple attempts to clear with BAFX reader and disconnecting the 12V battery for over 24 hours. I am completely at a loss what to do. I may have to tow 2008 to stealership and pay another $120 diagnostic fee (they told me the ABS actuator was out for $120). Before that I did not have the BAFX OBD2 code reader. Any suggestions would be greatly appreciated.
Instead of paying the dealer that 120, pick up a mini-vci cable and a copy of Techstream and do it yourself. Techstream is the same factory software that they would be using.
That is exactly what I want to do. The only problem is, I have tried several times. I bought a cable off Amazon and still cannot get it to work with any computer.
Eureka! I finally got the company I bought the cable off Amazon to send me a key. The cable worked, and I found several codes, but the one that was the game changer was P0A0D. That (indirectly) led me to Red Triangle and P3009-526, which told me how to properly install the orange safety plug on the hybrid battery (I missed the last step of slide the handle downward). After I slid the handle down, I used the code reader to clear the code, and viola! The internal combustion engine started. Problem solved after an entire week. Now I have a clean MAF sensor on both Priuses (is that the correct plural?).
WHAT I just had my hybrid battery replaced and the P010A code came on a week later.......could it be a safety plug the tech forgot!!?!??!?!?!?!?!?!
It cannot hurt to check! Less than 5 minutes, unless your storage compartment is full. I could check in two from opening the hatch. Watch the video - VERY instructive. Well worth a minute to make sure you are doing it right. It is in that thread referenced above.