Hey guys, I’m looking for the best brake pad and rotors for my 2010 Prius deals or recommendations? Any advice, I will likely DIY unless there is a really great shop deal nearby Thanks?
How many miles on the car? My 2010 isn't close to needing pads yet, much less rotors. Have you checked their condition? On the other hand, I have had to replace the "fitting kit" for the rears: the springy plates that hold the ears of the pads. They had lost their factory Teflon and become rusty, and the pads didn't slide well. Those pieces are cheap. Stuff like that is easy to check, and keeping on top of it will keep the larger expenses away for years and years. When the time does come for my pads, I'll probably go Toyota. It's such a rare purchase, counting the pennies doesn't seem super important.
You say you're looking for the best. The best stopping power, or price/performance ratio? I would use cheap parts ($100 total? ) and keep an eye on them. For this vehicle regular maintenance to keep the pads sliding freely in their slots is worth more than premium parts, given the brakes are used less than a conventional car. But it might be worth trying to get the best pads for the rear, because that is the weak part of the system: the pads rust up and fail much sooner than the fronts. The coatings on the pad backing plates and the clip-in stainless support plates should be top notch. I've never heard any manufacturer touting their coatings at these specific places.
I always go with OEM parts from the dealership, any car I've had. I'd second: how many miles on it? Have you been inspecting the brakes periodically? What the current pad thickness? Checked the thickness/runout on the rotors, they need replacement?
I typically replace OEM pads and rotors with Akebono ProACT ceramic pads and Brembo rotors from Tire Rack. These have always worked well. Good bite, little dusting, good lifespan.
The best?! Metallic surface, you’ll stop very very quick. Your Prius will thank you, but not your wallet and wife.
Are the brakes squeaking because the pads are worn to the minimum, or squeaking for some other reason?