I have, not terribly difficult, takes about 15 minutes. Remove the seat bottom by pulling up on the front, no tools necessary. The clips that hold the front pop rather violently, so brace yourself so you don't fall backwards and injure yourself. To reinstall, remove the clips from the front rail and clip them onto the seat U-brackets, then re-install the seat, it won't go if you try to insert the seat into the already-installed clips. With the bottom removed, you should see most if not all of the 14MM bolts you need to remove to get the seat backs out. The seat belt latches also use 14MM bolts if you're going for the full removal.
Be careful around the bright orange high voltage battery disconnect . If your finger or any tool accidentally hits it even lightly it’ll push down about a half inch to an inch and disconnect the battery and you will not even know it . When you go to start your vehicle it’ll say check HV battery and you’ll get a warning symbol on your dash and you will go nowhere .
Thanks for the clue about removing the plastic clips and putting them on the seat brackets. I haven't seen anyone mention the electrical connector (sensor) under there. My car wouldn't run with the seat out until I disconnected it.
I am completely blanking on which connector that might be, as I recall disconnecting several. Do you happen to recall what it connects to? (What's confusing me is that the car wouldn't run WITH it connected, I would expect the other way around)