My local Toyota Dealer, (Parkway Toyota, Englewood Cliffs, N.J.) sent me a promotion the other day: Synthetic Oil & Filter Change with tire rotation $39.95 Normally this service as I recall is $69.95. I immediately set up a service appointment for Monday at noon as I am need of an oil change. What does everyone else pay for this service?
The cost of the oil and filter. But I DIY. But that’s a good deal. Just make sure they don’t over fill it .
You should check the dealer's email address & links included in the email to be sure it isn't a spam/phishing email. I recently got an email from my local Toyota dealer with a similar service deal, but the email reply address & links didn't look like my Toyota dealer's email/web address. The email turned out coming from a 3rd party company for customer retention. Your email maybe legit, but probably good to check to be sure you put in your private info in response.
I have seen those before. I have also seen $1 oil changes. My dealer sent me that as a customer retention/loyalty coupon. I haven’t been back to that dealer for over a year, maybe a year and half? That is probably why I was sent that coupon. iPhone ?
I just did our first at-home oil change on ours, cost $21.89 and 50 minutes of my weekend. Easy-peasy.
So when I arrived for my oil change, the service writer could not believe it. He says "synthetic," I said yes and showed him the offer. He forwarded it off of my phone for his records as he said accounting would like to see this. Total due at checkout was $46.33 with sales tax. Overall a very pleasant experience. They even did a nice wash and dry on my Prius. Thanks everyone for your replies and comments.
LoL.. I hope you wont get my experience. My local Toyo dealer sent such promotion. I was crazy took appointment, left the work early and drove all the way to find that its just for oil. Labor and filter needs to be bought on the top of it. What a waste of time.. lol.. Anything Too good to be true is gonna burn us somewhere...
Sounds like they break even to get you in and hopefully persuade you to do other work. I was amazed when I took the car in for a recall how quickly you get a print out of alignment, brake wear, tire wear and a bunch of other things...