I've had three Gen 2s, so I know it. One was a trim 6b. Or was it 6a? I forget. I just don't know why they decided to muddy things even worse than when they played around with the Roman/Arabic numbering. That was crazy, too. Not to mention the trim V (5) vs the Prius v (vee). LOL! The Plus/Premium/Advanced is pretty vague, too. Plus what? Sounds like it's better than something else. Advanced sounds better, too, but then there's the Plus. Is it above the Advanced? But then what did they Advance from? And the Premium; that has to be the very best, right? Nope. It's just like McDonalds insisting on naming their only two french fry size choices as "medium" and "large." By definition, medium is in between, but there's not enough sizes for an "in between." And then there's the deer-in-the headlights look when you point that out to the poor uneducated cashier who can't even make change without the cash register doing the arithmetic. My motto? "Eschew obfuscation!!"
haha, I just did that to a poor little girl. $11.34, so I gave her a $20 and two $1 (I already had way too many $1s in my pocket). She was so confused I had to explain a $10 and change to her.
You mean there are no more "SMALL" fries in McDonald's??? I have to confess my last visit to Mac had to be over 10 years ago. I don't go out to eat often, and when I do, I almost never go to any of those fast-food restaurants. For the naming of sizes, I must say, I had no idea what to order for a large cup of coffee at Starbucks. Given the choices of tall, grande, venti, and trenta, the "tall" sounded pretty big to me. Yap, I got a small and short cup of coffee instead. LOL
Well, it could be like Ram: Tradesman; Big Horn; Big Horn Lonestar; Rebel; Laramie; Laramie Longhorn; Limited. Sheeesh. Or maybe Fix Or Repair Daily with titanium, platinum, aluminum, or laudinum. How are we supposed to figure those levels out?
The official language of the US is English. And... how mny of those words ARE standard English?? Obfuscation indeed!! Perhaps they were trying to tell you to shop someplace else.
I think it's still the case that the US has never declared an official language, though a bit more than half the states have (and all the territories).
Maybe it varies by region. Every time I've asked for small (meal or not) they say they only have medium or large. Then I have to bite my tongue to keep from saying "That's physically impossible!!!" ......
The Camry returned to Europe, and is available in trims; Active, Comfort, Comfort +, Luxury, and Executive. Seems to be hybrid only. Taking the McDonald's site at face value, fries come only in one size, and it is small in the address bar. World Famous Fries®: Calories and Nutrition | McDonald’s Canada's site has the three, and listed on its own a page, a mini size. World Famous Fries Since the majority order the meal, I'm guessing they were assuming that was what you were asking for. Unless you are in a Mcdonald's that bans kids, there should be a value or kid sized available.
I think they boarded the hell-bound train, when they ditched numbers (or Roman Numerals) for the levels.
Just be thankful you’re not trying to choose a Jeep Wrangler. You wanna talk about options as well as varying packages . Those possibilities are endless.