Does anyone have experience with the wheel garnish(s) for cars with the optional Appearance Package? One of ours was broken when the wheels repair guy repainted the wheel. The replacement from Toyota parts department appears to be a little off on color. Any help is appreciated. Grey
At the price they charge for them I'd want it to be a perfect match, take it back to the dealer and get the correct coloured one.
Yeah that's not even close. The other plastic inserts are not repainted or something? What's the colour spec?
Not repainted as far as I know. We got the car used a month ago with 18k miles on it. The dealer had to contact Toyota corporate and a set of new covers is coming from Japan. I’ll let you know the outcome in a week. Grey iPhone ?
They’re the stock 17” rims from the 2016-2018 Touring models or the 2019 Limited. Tires are 215/45R17. The basic rim is a piano black 5-spoke star pattern. The plastic inserts from the factory are silver unless you get the appearance package, then they’re black. Available insert colours from Japan are silver, black, blue and gold
Well, the new garnish came in from Toyota. Unfortunately it is painted the exact same color as the wheel and not the color of the other four garnishes on this and the other three wheels. I’m now debating having all garnishes on all the wheels just painted the same gloss black and be done with it.
Quite apart from the better ride and economy, it would seem the trims on the 15" wheels are a lot less trouble.
It's a never ending source of dismay for me, how Toyota can't manage to make some decent plastic-free rims for the Prius. That single-handed tipped us to get the third gen Canadian level with 17" rims. And then with 4th gen they buggered them up too.
I quite liked the Gen 3 17" wheels, no plastic and very easy to clean too. PriusG3rims by kithmo posted Aug 15, 2019 at 9:03 PM
They also improve the looks of the Gen 2 IMO, make it look more sporty. 17" Prius V wheels on Gen-2 Prius (pics) | PriusChat
Amazing to me that a major car company can continually -- year after year design some the ugliest wheels ever put on an automobile. They do ... The Gen 4 touring is a tour de force .. they really outdid themselves. It's not the ugliest ..but they were able to add complexity when simple would have been better. Plain 5 spoke black would have been great -- as above - w/o the mount holes ..obviously. We have Gen 3 fives with the above silver .... agree on the cleaning. I was a sad day when one of our 16's came home with a bent rim and I had to go out and buy a replacement. Toyota wants so much I almost bought 4 aftermarket ! I can't help the OP -- surprising Toyota can't provide the proper part .. they are normally first rate. The wheels on our CT's are nicer looking -- all the same tire size
Some Additional Info... Inside the box of garnishes that came from the dealer was the attached document. Evidently if you would like to change the color of your inserts you can get Black, Blue or Graphite. It appears the incorrect color from my original post is the Graphite since it is an almost exact match to my Magnetic Gray Tundra. From some posts on here that speak to adding the Appearance Package as DIY I have found a different part number for garnishes. I’ll order one of the five left in the US (according to my dealer) and report back. For those interested in changing the color of your silver garnishes on your touring model, the attached has the part numbers you will need. Grey View attachment Wheel Garnishes.pdf iPhone ?
So I finally got a chance to get back to the dealer and they ordered the correct part number for the Appearance Package. You can see in the attached picture how close the colors are between the bronze and black from my prior post and the correct garnish that I just received. Happy to have the correct one on the car finally.
Yea, I still don't get why they can't just make some nice looking, all aluminum wheels ? Surely they wouldn't cost much, if any more to produce, once designed. Heck, they might not even cost any more to design ? Then, the whole thing about how they cover the wheels completely with plastic on my LE ? Why ? The wheels underneath don't look terrible. The OP's would look great without the stupid rings to hold the plastic on ? How can a company make an amazing hybrid car, that get 56 mpg, but the same company makes such stupid decisions over wheels ? Apparently, when Toyota ends up with a retarded employee, they don't fire him, they just put him in the wheel Dept lol
More likely dogmatic management, a case of "emperor's clothes". Do you seriously think the front-line employees drive these design decisions?