I know to some people, its just a way of life or a fact of life when it comes to losing hair and/or going bald when your a male. I've always had thick hair growing up, I hit 18 and I started growing it long and I've had long hair from the age of 18 til today (I'm 32). Just went in to finally cut it off, and just go with simple short hair. I know my hair has been thinning since I was 25, but not to the degree that I saw today when I saw how my haircut turned out. Back of my head, as some comedians would say, I've got the monkey butt going on. Needless to say, I'm quiet upset and depressed over it. Again, to other people and other worldly issues, its just a fact of life. But I'm looking for some type of advise, some counselling maybe...As someone who has always had a low self esteem problem through my life. This just shoot it down further to the point where I feel sick.
I too have hair loss like most older men get. Just forget about it. Most women don’t value that nearly as much as many other qualities. Also, remember that there are many other worse things to inherit from your parents. Enjoy all your other great aspects and don’t even give your hair another thought.
I've known people who have tried to mitigate this problem through: 1.) Chemistry: (don't try this before you fully inform yourself about side effects, cost, and lack of any real benefit!) 2.) AstroTurf 1.0: Wig/Rug/Weave. If you think you have lower self-esteem NOW, wait until you try this and then find out what people think about it. 3.) AstroTurf 2.0: Plugs. All of the disadvantages of #2 without the advantage of being easily reversible. The reason that people make fun of rugs, plugs, and spray-on hair has NOTHING to do with the lack of hair, but rather because of the fragility of the male ego that would drive men to seek solutions that arrive in unmarked packages.....and just wait!!! Male pattern baldness isn't going to be the biggest male medical problem that you face in life, otherwise the hair club commercials would be the most numerous male targeted commercials that you see on late night TV and on internet ads!! In the end? You're going to find out when you have a lot more days behind you than you do in front of you that there are things in life that generally take most of the fun out of it, without giving you anything real in the way of real joy. Worrying is one of the bigger ones. If there's anything that I've learned in 10 submarine patrols is that if you're breathing and walking around topside? Things juuuuust aren't that bad up here....especially if you spend more time looking in the windshield than you do in the rear-view mirror!! Don't sweat the hair thing. Really.... The monkey-butt comment tells me that you have the ability to laugh at yourself. That's an important talent!!! USE it to make somebody else laugh.
Just dishearting. I had so much pride in my hair. No exaggeration, my hair use to be like Fabio. Now looking at it in the miror is a huge stab to the heart. If nothing else, I loved my hair. I might be good looking and had low self esteem in every aspect of my life, but my hair...I loved it. I'm going to look into Bosley in Boston I think...both my mother and dad still have a full head of hair. My dad back in the 1980s looked like Bon Jovi in the Livin' On A Prayer video.
32 is early for male pattern baldness to appear. Probably due to too much DHT hormone, which can be reduced by diet and herbs. Check out Nick Delgado's "DHT Block" or similar. And/or his vegan diet. Or just live with it. Your choice...
Baldness! Ah yes, all those sexy looking 50 or 60 something men with full heads of hair we see in commercials!! Going to casinos with ladies half their age! Splashing in the pool with no love handles and no belly fat! My hair quit on me around 40 years of age. Whats funny is that real women like what us men bring to a relationship. They like our smile, how we talk. How our eyes convey emotion. Stuff like that! Looks are a plus, but there are a lot of good looking, self centered lazy jerks right? ETC is correct. You will find that loosing your hair is such a small thing to be concerned about. I keep up a fairly decent exercise regimen and have kept myself in good shape. My last check up had my colon clean as a whistle (no palups!), my heart is of a 30 year old and my vision blows away the eye doctors. When I tell them my age, they don't believe me! As I have aged though, my body is definitely not like it was 35 years ago! I have tried all the hair potions, testosterone pills and all that stuff to try to retain my youth. Two things happened, one, it cost a lot to maintain, upwards of $200 or more per month!! and two, the side effects are awful!! You are either going to the urinal all the time, pooping 4 times a day or your mouth is very dry. I could go on about the side effects. So I quit taking the junk and just stuck to my excercise routine and let my love handles flow!! And don't get me started on those male enhancement pills. The side effects for these things are really off the charts, for some extra time in bed, you get to spend the next 24 to 48 hours with a racing and stopping heart, blurred vision, chronic migraines and anxiety attacks.............so sexy it hurts!! So, when it comes to self esteem. Be the good understand and appreciative person to your date or spouse. Most women find me handsome (my wife and adult daughter tells me this) so I really don't care anymore. Oh, and by the way, what hair I can grow is all white now!!
Not wasting time combing brushing grooming a full head of hair is a benefit! I keep what i have left short. Just Wash towel off and go.
mine started in my early 30's, not sure how unusual it is. i had no idea until i was working on an underground line, and the guy i was with took a picture of the back of my noggin. glad we didn't have the internet, or it would have been there for eternity
I've hesitated to comment within this thread because of these two statements. Those can be a dangerous combination. So the simplest of my hesitant advice would be to simply cheer up. This is a cosmetic issue. Nothing more. And as already shown within this thread there are options for dealing with this situation, depending on how much it bothers you and/or how extensively you want to deal with this situation, that's up to you, and perhaps your finances. I would suggest, that the rest of the world around you cares far, far less about the looks of your hair than you do. In other words? You notice it and it bother you, but to the vast majority of the world around you? You're just a head in the crowd. Not to say, you don't have a right to care, or shouldn't care, but just to let you know, it probably isn't a big deal to most of the world around you. Really, maybe all you need is a different or "better" hair stylist, who might be able to suggest a style or cut that promotes the strengths of your hair and minimizes the weaknesses? Also as already brought up? The nature of human physical existence, is none of us go on forever unchanged or unscathed. The center cannot hold....it's not designed to do so. We are not The Portrait of Dorian Gray, nor should we really want to be. So react...seek the options if you feel it's necessary. BUT... Mostly just cheer up. I'm NOT meaning to demean your concern, but really? Hair loss and thinning hair is a minimal, minor problem in the human spectrum. If you're not losing your hair because of chemo-therapy, I'd cheer up...you're just part of normal human existence. As things go on, our self esteem needs to be tied to stronger moorings than cosmetic issues. Because for all of us? Eventually those things abandon us. So again, Cheer Up....I suspect it's OK....even if discovery can be shocking and disheartening.