I had a cylinder 1 & 4 misfire, I changed all 4 ignition coils, spark plugs and my engine is still rattling and i'm getting a P0010 camshaft position sensor & P0324. Now the Check hybrid system is lit up & i think it's because the batteries are low and the engine isn't strong enough to charge the hybrid battery ( i hope) Would a camshaft position sensor cause this rattling? I'm giving up soon and towing it to a mechanic.
Agreed with cleaning egr. Also, when changing ig coils, did you notice any oil on them? And oil running down from the valve cover? Nice ‘puter, I have the same one. A cam position sensor can cause issues and I believe it’s a inexpensive part, so not horrible to swap out, but I’m still leaning to egr cleaning with this project. -Spiral
I just replaced the entire egr system with a used one from a lexus ct200 low mileage. and I cleaned it before installing it. No oil on any of the spark plugs or coils just normal wearing look. No oil leaking from the valve cover just dirty oil from me getting some oil on the valve cover from adding oil. I just ordered a new cam sensor. Toyota wanted $145 for the part I went with one from 1AAuto.com for $40 hopefully this solves the problem.
If i change out the fuel injectors do I need to disconnect the plug from the fuel pump? Is there a write up for the gen 3 model? I'd like to change out all 4 injectors with reman oem ones while I have the intake manifold off.
It is not entirely necessary, but turning off the fuel pump while the engine is idling (with scan tool or by disconnecting the fuse) will reduce the amount of fuel spilled. Removing the injectors is fairly easy on the 1.8L.