almost ordered the ebay $100+ cats for my 08 prius before i checked this forum. yea now i know there is no aftermarket catalytic converter for gen2 prius that is california compliant, except the parts from dealership, which is $2500+. moved here east los angeles several months ago, really stressed because have no idea how to get a cheap used part. anyone know some place that can fix it?
You can try finding a used part on craigslist. But you may find one that has already failed, buyer beware. There should be plenty of shops in the Los Angeles area that will install an aftermarket cat and pass the smog inspection for you, just have to ask. I know a shop that will do it, maybe run you $500 for the aftermarket part. Just come back to the same place again for the smog check when needed
My 2007 prius catalytic converter is on its last legs, and will need to be replaced if I ever have to have an emissions test again. I researched aftermarket, and decided that I would go with Magnaflow #49752. It says it is a direct fit, and can be installed with clamps (no welding needed). If you have a way to raise the car so you can do it yourself, it is about $400.
You'll have to cut your current catalytic converter off at just the right place and then have enough pipe available for a clamp to clamp it. And in CA, it's still illegal.
i guess all the frustrations came from the california law, it made dealership charge whatever they want for the part, don't have the money for a $2500+ cats, already asked 3 muffler shops, one said no right after i told him mine is a gen2 prius
No, even in states where an aftermarket CAT is legal, the dealership still charged $2000+ You should be thankful CA has these regulations. If not, you would have a tough(er) time breathing with all the smog.
sure, i m not anti-regulation, at least they have aftermarket choice, maybe not work as good as the dealership part
Well don't let your car sit too long without starting it. Let it roar and rumble a bit every few days. If not, your HV battery can go out of balance and fail. Not something you need after you fix the CAT
They're easy to fail after 10 years. Especially when they are sitting and the car is not being driven.
Whatever you end up with (great advice above about Calif requiring the OEM part, btw) be sure to protect it from future theft. In my town (in NorCal) there are Prius owners who have suffered two and even three thefts in just a few months.
Never thought of Davis as a high crime area, but it is a target rich environment as far a Prius goes. Seems like 1 in 5 cars is a Prius of some type when I go there.
There isn't enough room to put a catalytic converter before the existing one. What's the point of putting one after (other than cleaning up even more emissions)? If you are willing to do that much work, you might as well get the OEM one.
got a muffler shop to install a aftermarket part for my prius, almost impossible to find a used one in LA