I noticed a scratch on the MFD screen area and bought some meguiars Plastix plastic swirl and scratch remover, which ultimately made it worse. I heard there’s a coating over the plastic I may have accidentally removed? Either way, any ideas on how to fix it back to the way it was?
You may be out of luck. Least risky...buy the finest mirco fiber towel you can and use Meguires Plastic Polish (I think it is # 9) not a swirl remover. If that fails...remove the unit, remove the knobs and try machine polishing. This is a touch screen and I am unsure if placing a darker tinted piece of plastic over the entire screen will still allow it to function and be readable. Again, you may be out of luck and replacement will be the only fix. Good luck...and let us know if you succeed.
You could try Polywatch, which is used for getting scratches out of acrylic wristwatch crystals. Search for it on YouTube and you can see the effect it has and decide if it's worth a go.
If you fix this, the next thing you should do is get a screen protector - available at ebay and amazon. prius screen protector | eBay
did you solve this problem? Was thinking a soft or hard screen protector might do the job. If I had a junk one to play with... there are headlight restoration kits that are pretty amazing. Griots garage has one that I used on my prius and it was amazing. However I cannot tell you how long it will last. The last step is a coating that restores the smooth unscratched look... and any haze is pretty much gone... it self levels and all. However it is very permanent and should probably only be a last resort. A soft type phone protector that is self healing might be a better option. Radioshack used to sell sheets you could cut to size. I know this post is old... but I was here and am curious.
I've had good results with a sequence of grades of Novus plastic polish, as described here. I generally find glossy plastic to be the easiest. Matching some kind of texture, now that's hard. The parts you polish will end up glossy.