So I rebuilt my engine of my 2015 and it’s been running well, but today I had a message pop up on my car that states “cooling performance of hybrid battery is low consult dealer”. Does this mean I need to clean my cooling fan? Is this common?
Probably. @NutzAboutBolts has a video on it, #21 here: Nutz About Bolts Prius Maintenance Videos | PriusChat One thing, he pulls off the rear seat bottom: I wouldn't bother with that, just push apart the seat and back cushions at the inlet grill and reach through with a 12mm socket on an extension with ratchet. Also, I found it possible to clean the fan without completely removiing it. Just used q-tips between the blades. Then blew it out, and the whole area, duct work and so on. There are fasteners that hold the hatch floor atop the hybrid battery that are hard to break loose: I left most of them off at reassemble, made it easier next time.
I read that thread but couldn’t find the video. I also wondered how common this problem is Thanks for the reply
It's very common if you have pets.. Clean your hyprid fan and everything will be fine Posted via the PriusChat mobile app.
Thanks everyone. I drive my car for work and when the warning appeared I was worried my hybrid battery is going out. My pets haven’t rode in my car much but I have kids and they keep it pretty dirty back there. I’m sure with 225,000 miles it’s all pretty dirty
With that many miles and having kids. I'm sure it's dirty, too. Cleaning the fan is a fairly common chore depending on who or what is in the car with you.
I put a piece of household window screen on the back face of the inlet grill, held in place by a couple of loops of thread. I periodically check it with a good light, figuring if it's starting to look dusty it's time to revisit the fan cleaning.
That's such a good suggestion that I did exactly the same a couple of years ago, except using glass HVAC filter material. There is never much to see in it.
I have already done this cleaning but I never have figured out how to clear the warning from the display. I did an oil change today and when I reset the maintenance alert I thought it would clear the “cooling performance of the hybrid battery is low consult a dealer” alert but it did not. Anyone know how to reset this?
You should get this filter. Got the larger filter from Toyota, and the other is a/c filter from home depot or lowes... I just wash it with water once a month and let it dry.
I take it the Toyota filer is better. How do I clear the warning? I took it to o’Reilly’s and they scanned it and it didn’t show a code but the warning is still there
It is a Toyota filter! That's the Toyota part number. But I added the foam filter because I have dogs. Lot's of FUR and dust. The Toyota filter alone would not be enough. You need TechStream, probably.
I must of misread your reply. The non-foam filter is from Toyota. It snaps into place over the vent on the rear passenger pillar. I cut the foam to fit between the pillar and Toyota filter because it will catch the fur better. And it's not restrictive. I've had it on for almost 2 years and the battery has never over heated and I've never heard the HV Battery Fan.