I have a 2010 prius that was in a flood up to about the middle of the door pillers. It jas completly dried and most of the electical componants have been replaced (computers, transmitters and ecu's). The car will recognize when the start button is pressed, says somthing like "key not found". I have had a locksmith come to the car and try to reset the key system so a new key can be programmed. When he does this it gets through 16 min of the reset program and says its done. After it says it is done reseting, it says there are 2 keys in the system memory and will not reset to 0 keys in memory? Any ideas for fixing this problem?
You need a locksmith with Toyota Techstream's security feature (monthly fee) to wipe and reseed your existing FOBS in the system. YEars ago on here their was a service in Europe that for $30 would do the mathematical calculations of your Vin# to allow you to use Techstream to wipe and reseed without the monthly fee... I could dig that info up possibly if you can't find it? It's also possible, but unlikely that the immobilizer unit has water damage and needs to be replaced.
Thank you. The immobilizer unit i believe was replaced. I have the toyota manual and electrical diagrams book for the prius. Im not sure what the locksmith used. I will find out and look for the european service info on here. Do you happen to know what posting it might be under?
halfway up the door pillars? Was this a totalled car that you're personally trying to recover or is insurance company trying?