Hello: Someone dumped a package in the middle of the busy highway, Its a cardboard box with some air-duct parts. I was not lucky to escape it and had to hit it to avoid crashing into other cars. I could pull over and drive the car normally. Now what I found was - The grill got a bit bent -The front bumper got damaged -The underneath rubber sheet ( whatever it is) that hooked to the bumper got damaged. I also noticed strangely, my A/C stopped working cold air. Insurance suggested I take it to a Bodyshop on Monday. My questions are: 1. How AC could get damaged? Since the crash was not severe, was wondering how something could damage AC? 2. When I take it to the Body shop do they look and assess these damages and repair AC as well? 3. Since I have time tomorrow, is it a good idea to take it to the dealer and ask them to estimate the damages? 4. OVerall how much $$ are we looking at for the above damages? TIA
The A/C condenser is nearly the frontest thing on the front of the car, behind the grille, and some of the plumbing might be near the bottom of it (I don't remember for sure). The body shop should have no trouble spotting what happened.
Thank you. So what am I looking at in terms of $$. Appears to be a very costly package delivered to me by a moron
Sorry that happened to you, but yes a professional shop should be able to sort things out quickly (at least with respect to an estimate).
Thank you all. Coming back to my question, since I have time till Monday, should I take my car for estimate from dealer before I go to the bodyshop recommended by my insurance? I am asking if there will be any pros or cons