Some car hit my car while I was parked at the mall, now the top part where the radiator support is at got push in, also the hood latch got push down. So should I try to pride the hood latch back into place and use a plastic mallet to hammer the top part of the radiator support back to normal? Also there screws on the part that got push in, can I remove that part? I am asking about this because I got quotes of $3000-5000 to repair this, they said they would need to replace the whole radiator support.
Hey do it your self. Though not new parts There will be no cost involved . I replaced all of the parts cheaper than was quoted
Yeah I was thinking that too, the top part where it has been damaged has screws on it, looks like I can remove it, and replace it with one from a Radiator support, but I probably have to buy the whole Radiator support to get that top part, which cost 300 bucks, but its better than $5000
Yes, you should be able to replace the upper radiator support; according to the repair manual, you must remove it to remove the radiator or the A/C condenser. You might have other parts bent too, maybe that is why you are getting the high estimate(s).
Cool, when they gave me those estimates they didn't really took the time to look at it, all they said this that it would cost a lot because they would need to replace the whole radiator support, and the radiator support is wielded in, but I got a feeling only the removing upper radiator support is damage, I will try to remove and see.
Sorry to hear about your car's damage. Since you are talking about DIY repair, I assume that you don't have auto insurance collision coverage (or for whatever reason have chosen not to file a claim?)
The top bracket is easy to remove when it is not damaged. The damage you have does not look too difficult to fix. As long as the radiator is not leaking, and the condenser is OK, you should have no problem. What happened to the hood? Anyway, it should cost much less. You probably can remove the part that is there, and bend/bang it back so that you can get the release to work properly and be done with it. Otherwise, you can purchase an aftermarket support for about 1/2 the Totyota part, get the top piece painted to match, and use it.
For the upper radiator support, I'd look around for a salvage part. Plug In Hybrid Electric Vehicle PHEV specializes in salvage Prius parts. If you want new, there are several Toyota parts sources on the web; Toyota Scion Parts Accessories Discounted Prices - Metrotpn and are two that I have used before.
Hi I'm new to the chat group. When you say repair manual, is that Chilton's or some other manual. I have a Haynes manual that doesnt seem very clear on removing the radiator or in this case a bent radiator core support, there are no clear illustrations in the Haynes manual. I am interested in a repair manual that is clearer, thanks.
I was referring to the Toyota factory service manual. There is also a factory body repair manual. You can find them online at Toyota TIS but you have to subscribe and pay a fee to view the material.
Thanks, I have one more question. If I sign up for the 2 day subscription would I be able to print out pages relevant to my project. Thanks again.
Yes, I basically downloaded all of the sections I wanted. For 2007 (and earlier) the material is in PDF so you can download it to your computer. I think that they may have changed format for later models, but I haven't been on there for many years.
Thanks for sharing this info about the DIY effort involved. Could you please help confirm one aspect of this effort - does the replacement effort (for the radiator support frame) involve any welding ?