</span>[font=Times New Roman:fe701cee37] [/font:fe701cee37]<span style=\'color:black\'> Hi All, Just had all of my windows tinted today. What a difference in this So Cal summer heat. I noticed the difference immediately when I entered the hot car. I spent the big bucks and went with the Huper Optik film. It is ceramic and will not interfere with the GPS, telephone, radio. etc. I went with the Ceramic 30 film and I will keep my fingers crossed that I won't get a ticket for the front windows. Fortunately it is a fixit ticket. I have to let the film bake on the glass for a couple of days before I can open the windows to see how well the install went. http://huperoptikusa.com/ Pete D. Simi Valley,CA
Makes sense, as I figure it would be something easy to enforce...I'm gonna assume you tinted the front, so why'd you do that if they do enforce that law?
This film is not highly reflective and a LEO may not be aware of the tint. Part of the reason I went with the ceramic. It's not that dark.
Ahhhh, alright, sounds smart. I'm moving out there soon, so I was just wondering. What are the rules on the rear windows, by the way?
I have been out here for years. The only car that has been pulled for the tint was my sports car... And that was only when they were cracking down on tint. Our cars are all darkly tinted. Privacy and protection from the sun. We looked into the law here, evidently there is a loophole - a doctor's note saying that need the tint... Personally, to me this is a stupid law... I feel like the law should state that if you have tint on your windows and get pulled over, you should have to roll the windows down prior to the LEO getting to your car. If not, a fine is added to the ticket.
Crazy, these tinting laws. I would like at least a little something on the front...oh well, at least I can get the back ones tinted. Maybe limo black? :mrgreen:
Pete; That is agreat site, but nowhere does it say who to call for an install. I am also in Socal. Where did you have yours done, and what did it run? Michael.
Law enforcement officers don't want to walk up to a darkly tinted front window, not knowing what's pointed at them from inside - I can't blame them. But a light tint doesn't cause a problem or tickets, if done right. I tint the front windows mildly, and the rest of the car quite dark, for contrast. The installer runs the tint all the way to the top edge of the glass on the front windows, and removes the sill at the bottom to get the tint down below it - that really makes it almost impossible to tell the glass color isn't factory. The contrast between front and rear eliminates the question.
Are you sure we are talking about the same LA? My LA is Los Angeles. I suspect your LA is Looosiannna, where Nawlins is.
Louisiana tint I just had my Prius tinted (sorry, in Baton Rouge, not New Orleans) and was surprised to find out that the allowances were 20/40/50 (front, backseat, hatchback). That was because it is considered a car. However, if you have a truck or SUV, the last two can be as dark as you want ?!?!?! I'm sorry, but don't you think more SUVs and trucks are connected with the type of crime this anti-tinting is supposed to help the police with? Anyway, I got the "Diamond" Marquis tint, which has a nice metallic sheer to it. It's not the darkest I would've liked, but it does a helluva good job at helping with the ambient heat, and gives a good bit of privacy when viewed with the sun shining directly on it. Jason '04 Millennium Silver AF
So Cal Installers I had my windows tinted at a place called Exotic Window Tinting in Montrose, which is just north of Glendale. They did a great job. I was referred to them by the manufacturer. I recommend you fill out the online request form to get more information from Huper for an installer in your area. At first they recommended a dealer in Orange, but that was too far for me to go. Here is the first respnse I got from Huper: Thank you for your email. The price for tinting your Toyota Prius (4 doors, quarter glass, and rear windshield) is $195.00 with Metalized "Titanium" window film or $475.00 with Ceramic window film. This price does include a limited lifetime manufacturer's warranty, free mobile service (within Orange County), and the highest of installation standards. All roll-down door windows will be shaved to the very top edge and your rear window will be done in one piece. The ceramic window film line was developed to provide superior sun protection, as much as 84% Infrared Light Filtration, while appearing more subtle and less reflective than conventional metal window films. Ceramic window films also allow AM, FM, Cell Phone, and GPS signals through in order to keep all the components and electronics working properly. Ceramic window films are truly the next generation of window film products. They provide more protection than "limo" tint without appearing dark or reflective on your car. This is the perfect choice for people worried about window tinting vehicle citations. The film manufacturer warranty also covers color fading of the product. Most manufacturer's window film do not guarantee against color fade (if the film lightens up or turns purple). The limited lifetime warranty stay in effect for as long as you own the vehicle: bubbling, peeling, demetalizing, color fade, and distortion. We look forward to hearing from you and earning your business. Please contact our office to schedule an appointment. Please allow 2-3 hours for the installation process and 2-3 days lead time to schedule an appointment. Sincerely, Jessica Oldendorph Wintech Professional Window Tinting 2183 Fairview Road, Ste. 215 Costa Mesa, CA 92627 W/949.548.3200 F/949.548.9757 www.wintechtinting.com <http://www.wintechtinting.com/> I Paid $450 for all of my windows excluding the windshield and the lower hatch window. That included tax. It is expensive but I can see that it will be worth it living in the southwest heat. If you are near Simi Valley, I can show you my car for a demo. Pete D. Simi Valley, CA
Sorry about the confusion. I currently live in New Orleans, in the state of LA, but am going to college near the city of L.A. in a few weeks. :mrgreen: So I meant L.A. as in the city, not LA as in the state.