2010 with 198k. Replaced rear pads and calipers. Right side has odd rubbing sound. Not grinding or squealing. Could this be caused by uneven caliper movement? Looks to me like the caliper isn’t moving evenly when braking and the leading edge (topside) moves first. Slide pins are lubed and moving freely. Tried to upload vid but can’t for some reason.
Raise the side in question and spin the wheel by hand. You'll hear and see the source right away. PS: Had a bad experience with Bosch QuietCast "springless" pads. Went back to the regular pads with springs… problem solved.
Yeah when reassembling it's mandatory that the cross pattern on piston face be oriented like an X, so that the pin on back of pad is in between the spokes. Further, you want to ensure everything is well seated thus: pump brake pedal multiple times, then reconnect 12 volt, then a short test drive. On return, apply and release the emergency brake a few times, chock front wheels, raise rear, and check that the wheels will easily spin a couple of revs with a good push.