2011 with 150k miles Just bought the car Cleaned the cooler...following along with the nutzaboutboltz video Got it all back together except for the wiper tray as I wanted to make sure it ran Started it up and engine is running pretty rough Should I just keep idling it till it clears up? Went over electrical connectors and everything and it all seems to be reassembled correctly
Did the rough idling clear up? I remember when I started mine after putting it all back it was rough for a minute then calmed down. I think it was from the coolant recirculating and air pockets being pushed around and out.
Did you plug back all the connections? If you cleaned the maf sensor and throttle body, you'll need to reset your 12v battery
I was thinking the same Lost a little coolant But refilled the reservoir and left the cap off Was going to get it up to operating temp and make sure any air pockets bled out But was uncomfortable leaving it running in case I would cause damage
Thanks everyone for your responses I had noticed after letting it sit overnight when I started it in the morning that it was idling slightly less rough so right away I figured that it was just trying to blow brake cleaner and so forth out so I let it continue idling and sure enough it cleared up after about five minutes