The attached picture shows the condition of the air passage below the cargo floor. Apparently someone had been in my HV at some point in the past, or severely overloaded the weight capacity of the cargo floor. The vent was nearly completely closed off. Just because YOU didn’t do something stupid on reassembly, doesn’t mean someone else didn’t either.
That's pretty common when people are climbing around back there with the carpet-plastic cover off... Could also easily happen if something being loaded in the car slammed down heavy on that spot too... But it's not "completely" closed off at all, limited by less than 10% as pictured and will have negligible consequences. When working on packs it happens and when reinstalling the air duct you simply bend everything back into place, no big deal at all... That thin metal side plate below it on the other hand is super flimsy and after bolting and unbolting that thing too many times it gets trashed real quick. Also pro tip, I use black fabric athletic tape to seal up all the joints of the pack's cooling system because after pulling the pack a bunch of times the cheap foam seals in those joints start to fall apart and unlike duct it doesn't leave a scummy residue and looks more professional than duct tape.
The picture I attached doesn’t show the vent though. It has three sections, and the dividers are the bolts that hold the battery segments together. The center section was squashed flat. I drilled a small hole in it, used a 14mm socket to space the center back open, shoved a small bolt down thru the hole and socket, then hot glued the bolt on top, and a nut on the bottom. The passage only serves to dump the hot air from the top of the battery into the cargo area, but since I was cleaning the HV fan anyway, I corrected what I perceived to be a fault. And the blades on the HV fan are supposed to be white, just like the housing it’s mounted in.