What are the cheapest housing options for single person? RV?

Discussion in 'Fred's House of Pancakes' started by Higgins909, Jul 14, 2019.

  1. Leadfoot J. McCoalroller

    Leadfoot J. McCoalroller Senior Member

    May 12, 2018
    2018 Prius c
    Merkey likes this.
  2. bobzchemist

    bobzchemist Active Member

    Aug 2, 2016
    Kennesaw, Georgia, USA
    2010 Prius
    So I could go to sleep at home and not have to wake up until I got to the parking lot at work? That would be so cool...
  3. fotomoto

    fotomoto Senior Member

    Apr 22, 2009
    So. Texas
    Other Hybrid
    VERY inefficient. Just sleep at your desk or on the factory floor like Elon. ;)
  4. fotomoto

    fotomoto Senior Member

    Apr 22, 2009
    So. Texas
    Other Hybrid
  5. Leadfoot J. McCoalroller

    Leadfoot J. McCoalroller Senior Member

    May 12, 2018
    2018 Prius c
    I’ve been reading about those. I think if they were a great way to live you’d see them going up everywhere, not just in the most expensive zipcodes.
  6. Higgins909

    Higgins909 Member

    Apr 15, 2018
    2010 Prius
    Since I drag things out, the first two paragraphs are more insight to the rest.

    I think my current situation is similar to a rooming house. I really don't want any type of roommate because of this. I see I didn't really say what I was specifically looking for as a PodShare is far too minimal. Something that where I can be alone with peace and quiet. AC/heat, couple cats, laundry hookups/units, kitchen, dish washer, bedroom, room for my computer desk,full bath, water/elec, internet availability. (if desk fits nicely in bedroom, that's good enough) I guess as minimal but as self sustainable as possible.

    I currently pay about $250 month in bills that are house related. $1,000 is something I'm not sure if I can swing. Previous last time I looked at apartments, there were only 4 bedroom apartments in the $1,000 range and some were $400-$600 but rooming house style or something. Now I'm looking again and do see units in a better price range. This time around, studios/1bed are actually available, $600~. I don't know what utilities cost for these. I have worries about fees though or a rent hike as the advertised price was only for the 1st month/year and being tricked into that. I've been to apartment complexes before and always think they have such poor parking/layout.... My poor car doesn't need anymore door dings either. I barely overheard a co-worker saying something along the lines of his neighbors getting rowdy and him banging on the wall yelling... That's the clean version. No idea if he lives in a apartment. I have no idea about apartment noise. I'm looking for that peace and quiet.

    I'm not really sure on how much I'm making and spending... It would seem my savings is still growing though. (as long as it was growing, that all I really cared about) The cats, I take care of them, but I don't buy their food or litter. So I don't know what that will cost. My car insurance has been bouncing + or - $20 the last few payments, so around $200 mo. +$250 for current house bills = $450. My car insurance rate will probably change when I move. This last month or so I've been living full time off of fast food... I think I'm spending nearly $20 a day which I consider quite bad. (not so much on weekends) I don't know what real food costs as I haven't attempted to cook much more then popcorn in a long time. (Another reason for wanting to move) 23 weekdays a month x $20 = $460, +$450 = $910...

    So I'm spending about $910 a month currently... What should my monthly expenses be and how much should I still be putting in savings? I know I shouldn't be making say $2,000 month and then spending $1,950. Trying to plan out expected costs :
    $1,000, rent (Hopefully could score something in the $600 range)
    $200, car insurance
    $250, food (estimate after googling)
    $40, internet (rough guess)
    $? , renters insurance
    $? , cat supplies
    $? , possible utilities
    $?, something I forgot to list
    $1490... I would have to do way better on the $1,000 rent. If I could get it for $600 it would be $1,090 month, which sounds way better.

    I was hoping the RV type thing would be a winner, but that doesn't sound so good. One of the RV parks had monthly fees of $330, but with that type of living I don't know how mail and packages would work. (I heard no packages to a PO box) I didn't know wells and septic and electric could cost that much. I've got a co-worker that I think lives in a RV trailer. I've been meaning to talk to him about the subject.
  7. Leadfoot J. McCoalroller

    Leadfoot J. McCoalroller Senior Member

    May 12, 2018
    2018 Prius c
    When you start getting that far into the details, local info beats nearly anything we can post from over here. Example: RVs last longer and need fewer repairs if they’re always in dry climates that never drop below freezing- maybe enough to make the difference for you. Very much worth talking to your co-worker.

    I will add that you can eat for far less than $20/day if you break away from restaurants. I travel for a living and I often need to use restaurants, but I bring sort of an urban camp kitchen which leads to considerable savings, better nutrition and a degree of home-cooked flavor. Work usually puts me in hotels with mini-fridges, I bring a 120v camp stove that collapses into a cooking pot, and some camp-style containers, shelf-stable condiments and seasonings and kitchen prep stuff. It helps that I actually enjoy cooking.

    Just having a bit of fridge space is a massive money saver because it enables safe storage of leftovers. Many restaurant meals have 2 or even 3 meals worth of calories, so it’s healthier not to eat it all up front anyway. A small set of reusable plastic food containers is a cheap tool that unlocks a lot of savings. Yeah it’s dishes to wash, no fun. But the savings are real.

    You can have packages sent to a US Post Office box. Normally this means only packages which were actually sent through the USPS. However, if you sign up for Street Address Service the P.O. will then also accept packages from UPS, FedEx and other carriers. You would then use the street address of your post office itself. I found this to be extremely useful when I lived in a cheap apartment with a mail theft situation. I don’t think it cost extra on the box rent but I might have paid a few bucks to start it, application fee etc. You can also do the inverse: rent a box at a UPS store. Might be closer or cheaper.

    I probably don’t have the cheapest veterinarian but we budget around $250/year for our one cat, covering annual exam, vaccinations, tick & flea control. You can generally feed & litter one cat for $12 per month (and up) if they aren’t picky/no special diet needs.
    Merkey and Raytheeagle like this.
  8. Rmay635703

    Rmay635703 Senior Member

    Oct 16, 2016
    Somewhere in Wisconsin
    2013 Chevy Volt
    Around here living on a diet of eggs, egg noodles (or ramen/rice) and Aldi spaghetti sauce is under a dollar a day for food, lived that way in college when I needed cash but zero local employment was available

    Though it costs more ground Turkey is a buck a pound at Woodmans as well. Chicken is usually under a buck a pound but still can’t beat 69 cents a dozen eggs
    Raytheeagle likes this.
  9. ETC(SS)

    ETC(SS) The OTHER One Percenter.....

    Oct 28, 2010
    Redneck Riviera (Gulf South)
    Other Non-Hybrid
    Our USPS accepts packages. They even have lockers for after hours access to packages.
    Some vendors do not like to send to PO Boxes, but most campgrounds that have monthly rates have street addresses and accept packages.

    +1 on the food thing...even though my math says you’re only guessing $8.
  10. Rmay635703

    Rmay635703 Senior Member

    Oct 16, 2016
    Somewhere in Wisconsin
    2013 Chevy Volt
    I guess you could eat 8 dozen eggs a day but I sure couldn’t 3-6 eggs was normal,
    I usually dumped only one in my 19 cent
    hot ramen
  11. RobH

    RobH Senior Member

    Sep 18, 2006
    Sunnyvale, California
    2006 Prius
    This has got to be the least expensive diet...

    Potato Diet | Natural Weight Loss | Personal Coaching

    Potatoes. Red ones, yellow ones, white ones, russets, and for something exotic, sweet ones.

    I saw Mr. Spud at at seminar, and he's the real deal. If he's missing anything nutritionally, it doesn't show. Skip the burgers, have another potato...
  12. Rmay635703

    Rmay635703 Senior Member

    Oct 16, 2016
    Somewhere in Wisconsin
    2013 Chevy Volt
    What will happen to Mr Spud fit is the same thing that happens to all vegans after 1-5 years.

    1. strong protein cravings
    - ignore and gain health problems
    - satiate them and all will be well for a while until they occur again

    The only reason folks like spud fit do OK for a period of time is that the human body is extremely good at forgoing needs for a long time and further your body needs very little protein to “survive “

    It will catch up with him (at least if he is actually being truthful)

    Most Americans could fast and gain health benefits (even Mr Spud) but you don’t see many doing that either
  13. ETC(SS)

    ETC(SS) The OTHER One Percenter.....

    Oct 28, 2010
    Redneck Riviera (Gulf South)
    Other Non-Hybrid
    As much as I abhor most things Vegan, I've lived an almost completely-free plant based life for most of two years, and have yet to experience any 'protein cravings' or any known health problems other than those associated with two more candles on my cholesterol-free birthday cake.

    Vegans richly deserve deserve to be criticized.
    However (COMMA!) those critiques should be accurate.
    A completely vegan diet can be completely healthy - or?
    Eating french fries and drinking beer is, for now, considered to be veggie-halal, but then Vegans haven't tumbled to the fact that yeast are living organisms.

    Blinker on.
    Swerving back over to the original topic for the few moments that remain before some militant vegan reads this post.....

    Here, I believe, is most of your problem:

    A budget is core and key to arriving at your destination.
    You already know this based on your posts, but you really need to refine the income and outflow....honestly.
    Otherwise, it's like trying to plot a course to a destination without knowing where you are at present, or how fast or in what direction you are traveling.
    It is possible to do so only through a process that has a fairly descriptive name:
    Dead Reckoning Navigation. ;)

    Free Advice: (Street Value < $0.02)
    1. Honest Budget.

    B. Prune costs. Example: If you are paying $2400 a year for insurance on a nine-year-old car, then you really do not need to be worried about how many door dings that it has. I'd concentrate on keeping the car mechanically reliable, lowering my insurance costs, getting a budget established and implemented, and THEN worry about the wrapper that your car comes in.

    A $400 studio apartment in a sketchier part of town may not be as convenient as a single occupancy dwelling in the burbs, but it WILL beat heck out of an RV.
    Trust me...
    If there's anything that a sailor knows all to well, it's the joy of living the "tiny house' life where you have to put something up before taking something out. It's one of the many, MANY things in life that looks a lot bigger and more fun on TV.

    Someday.....if you get to a point where you can buy a house then the noisy neighbors, limited parking, and the pain of parting with rent money every month can all go towards a WORTHWHILE long term goal.

    Good Luck!
  14. RobH

    RobH Senior Member

    Sep 18, 2006
    Sunnyvale, California
    2006 Prius
    This is the story that the meat and dairy industries have spread. It is based on studies of rat nutrition. It's true, rats need a lot of protein. And they live maybe two years. Long lived animals like horses, elephants, and humans do better on lower protein plants.

    Here's a video of Nick Degado talking about how he built his championship endurance athlete body on plants only. That after having a stroke at about age 20 eating a conventional diet. That's 40 years on plants (he's 62 in the video) to build that body.

  15. bobzchemist

    bobzchemist Active Member

    Aug 2, 2016
    Kennesaw, Georgia, USA
    2010 Prius
    I'm not sure how things run in Texas, but in a lot of places there's a middle ground between apartment living and a rooming house - renting an apartment/sharing a house in a single-family house. This works best with an elderly couple or single, where you can trade housework/yardwork for a reduction in rent. There are currently a whole lot of elderly people living in houses too large for them who could use a little extra money each month, and help around the house/yard that they didn't have to pay for would be very welcome. You might even find a situation where you could share meals sometimes.

    I don't know if you could get your expenses down to $250/month, but something like this would be the most likely way to easily get out of your current situation.
  16. Trollbait

    Trollbait It's a D&D thing

    Feb 7, 2006
    eastern Pennsylvania
    Other Non-Hybrid
    A well balanced diet is possible without meat, but one of just potatoes, which your post seems to convey, is not.

    Note of the physiology of horses, elephants, cows, and other herbivores, yeah, they don't eat much protein, but they have a symbiotic relationship going on with microbes. These microboes not only breakdown the cellulose that the animals digestion systems can't, they also produce vitamins and other nutrients that the host animal needs, and then a portion of them also pass on to the rest of the host's digestive system, where the proteins that these microboes made from the protein poor feed stock are consumed. Without those microboes, the animals die from poor nutrition.

    Humans don't have the means of supporting such a symbiotic relationship. The horse doesn't have the cow's four 'stomachs', it has a large cecum. The cecum in humans is virtually vestigial. Another herbivore, rabbits, have to have their meals pass through them twice in order to get all the necessary nutrients.
  17. fotomoto

    fotomoto Senior Member

    Apr 22, 2009
    So. Texas
    Other Hybrid
    The is the best book I've ever read on nutrition. It does go way more in depth on the scientific findings, studies and data (admittedly too much for me) than most books.


    TL;DR The average western diet is overdoing on protein to the point it greatly increases disease and cancer. Most governmental nutritional recommendations are made by boards hand picked by corporate food industry.
  18. Rmay635703

    Rmay635703 Senior Member

    Oct 16, 2016
    Somewhere in Wisconsin
    2013 Chevy Volt
    I would argue that you are a bit myopic

    Big food generally isn’t pushing protein, they are pushing profit which means encouraging bad food combinations that lead to a bigger appetite in its consumers.
    Fat & Starch do not belong together as your body would not encounter such things naturally (carb rich foods are naturally low fat)

    Potato chips are thousands of times more likely to cause cancer due to chemical byproducts from the heat than any other food.

    In no world is a high starch, high simple sugar diet a healthy one, period.
    Diets that are mainly carbs tend to drive feelings of hunger , meaning poor impulse control.

    People who eat A low cholesterol high carb diet tend to have very bad cholesterol numbers.

    So the answer isn’t the SAVD either, a vegan diet needs a lot of exotics and impulse control to be complete and wheat, grain and legumes need to be absent most of the time and not the primary form of substinence (Coming from someone with major food allergies and former crohns who ate a very restrictive low calorie vegan diet for a time)

    The Japanese example of a vegan where there is a lot of seaweed, a lot of odd bad tasting exotics , a lot of exercise, rice and moderation can work but in America it would be easy to overeat and many common foods there aren’t remotely similar to what can be bought here.
    #38 Rmay635703, Jul 22, 2019
    Last edited: Jul 22, 2019