Hi all, I figured while I no longer have the Prime I'd share how I setup my ham radio in it. I only use HT radios and I never took pictures of what I did in the front. but basically I put a UHF connector into the armrest center console and that served as the point to put a LMR240 extension going to BNC for my radios. I used Nutserts to put a stainless steel bracket into the rear Then I routed the Coax to the front via the taillight housing/grommet and into the wiring harness leading to the floor. from there I sent it under the front seat and into the center console. Finished install:
Sadly I don't have any photos of that and the car was totaled so I no longer have it. basically I put a double barrel so239 into the center console under the armrest area that I then used a pl259 to BNC to get to my radio. just used a 12v outlet adapter for power to my Yaesu VX8-DR or Kenwood TH-D74
That's really a fantastic setup, shame the car was wrecked. How big of a pain was it to get the c-pillar trim panel off?
That makes sense - the 12VDC is right there. However, I was hoping to keep the console for storage and using the Qi wireless charger location area instead, or some other location (I have a 2018 Prius 4 premium /w 11in display). I am thinking about getting into amateur radio myself - new to it, but I have some experience with electronics (retired RF engineer - Radar). I was also wondering about the load on the Prius 12vDC. Of course, a hand-held would be no problem, but I was thinking more along the lines of a 50w unit. And what kind of TX range did you get with your Yaesu/Kenwood /w external antenna including cable loss? (I assume you were using RG-58 - about 10ft of it).
Yep, RG-58. I was getting about 100 miles on my setup with the HT, average was more around 70. this is on 2m. I rarely used 70cm so I cannot speak to that range.the 2 repeaters I'd usually go on were WB1GOF(Westford, MA) and K1FFK up on top of Mt Graylock. these 2 covered my travel around the lowell MA area as well as when I'd travel down NH Rt9/VT rt9 into NY.
Pretty much all the trim I found easy to get off, plastic clips on everything if I remember right. Getting the cable to the center console was a bit more of a pain as I sent it along with the cables next to the floor air duct under the seat. I removed the bolts and just let the seat lean back to access the carpet under it. the top trim on the console where the Qi charger is just pops off but the trim under it is bolted in. The first time I did it I was afraid of breaking the clips but everything worked out and after the first time I knew the amount of force needed.
I never fully removed it but I did get it loose so I could slip my cable under it from under the carpet so as to fully hide all cables. Since I had the Plus Model I added my own QI charger under it which worked great with the phone I had at the time.
I was actually just looking at my photos and I found one of the trim lifted Also in case anyone is interested I have the photo I took while I was installing the glass break sensor for the built in alarm.
I was wondering about that. I kept looking for the charger in your photos and couldn't find it! Thanx!
Yeah, the white trim is translucent enough where the status light for my charger would show up under it. Essentially this: DIY 3 coils Qi wireless charger PCBA circuit board 5V/2A Qi wireless charg zy | eBay However mine had a remote status LED. I put the LED at the very top of the trim.