Hi All, I just replaced front bumper cover and find some loose / disconnected connector like on photo, it's located on the center , behind metal bumper , I have fog lights and they working OK. Is this for AirBag ?? I posted photo. Small piece is also loos with yellow insert. Thanks for help !!! https://i.stack.imgur.com/BoePz.jpg Best mario
If its high on center its either the horn or the temp sensor. See if horn works or the outside temp on the mfd works.
Tx all !! Horn works OK. So Temp Sensor is solid candidate. Still need to figure out do I need to plug anything between those 2 or not. There 2 pieces and big one has kinda of latch. on top left photo I hold 2 of them. They both on 2 wires. Anybody knows where this sensor attached ? Best V
Second picture looks like outside air temperature sensor. It should be attached to the one metal bar running up/down between the front bumper and the ac condenser/rad. Third picture looks like the connector that plugs into the hood latch which has a switch to trigger the burglar alarm if someone opens the hood with alarm on (doors locked). Good luck!