I have an o5 prius with 143k miles I recently replaced the abs actuator and recalibrated everything so now I have no codes But THE BRAKES LOCK UP AS SOON AS I hit the brakes! Front brakes at 3mph and back brakes as well!! It almost throws me thru windshield AND I HAVE NO CODES AND BRAKES HAVE BEEN BLED NUMEROUS TIMES. Anyone have this problem?
Looking forward to what others have to say about this... I'm thinking about doing my brakes and I'd like to know what causes this seemingly common situation after doing a brake job so it doesn't happen...
Used actuator no I didn't use tech stream followed online direction they said worked.I probably bled 10 different times the experts at just answer said it should be fine.
I would recommend getting Techstream and going thru the full bleeding procedure. It sounds like there is still air in part of the system. Post or link to the bleeding procedure that you used. I’ve never used the autel reader but curious what it calls the calibration. The official terminology is “linear valve offset calibration”. Same or different?
It's the same on my Autel all codes are gone but now I discovered a weak cell in 12v battery and after purchasing a new battery I have stroke sensor code now it's clears but comes back immediately after I start car and hit brakes so Is it stroke sensor causing my issues? I purchased 2 day subscription to toyota tech info and I'm still searching any help would be greatly appreciated. Thank u
The prius has a special feature I forget what they call it but the car senses and accident and when I hit brakes at all It seems like this feature is engaging.
What code is it setting? C1247 or C1392? Can you read live data from the car. If you can monitor the voltage output of the #1 stroke sensor it should go from about 0.8 volts up to 1.2 when the pedal is fully depressed. If it's starting to high or jumping up really fast when you touch the pedal then I would say that's your problem.
This sounds like a broken record but this is exactly what you get into when not using a new Toyota part on a critical system for the brake actuator failure. Is it the brakes, the actuator, the procedure or something wrong with the way the unit was installed? I would get Techstream as others have suggested and calibrate and re bleed the system. My instincts tell me you should get ready to go back in and replace the actuator yet again. When you install a used brake actuator you usually have no idea of its condition, where it has been, if it has debris in it or what its lifespan will be. It introduces yet another unknown into the situation. I hope if you get another used one it works out. This is a nightmare job under the best of circumstances. Good luck. If you did this job yourself you had to have some good skills and I have confidence you will get it right eventually! $1,134 for a new actuator is a bitter pill to swallow for anyone. I had to swallow it on my 08 Prius and didn't enjoy it one bit.
I beg to differ I've worked on many prius but my knowledge of brakes is limited the actuator took me 1.5 hours to replace and I don't have internet in my rural area for tech stream but now today as I'M SITTING IN VEHICLE IN PARK IDLEING THE BRAKES STARTED ENGAGING AND DISENGAGING ON THEIR OWN! SO YES I GET THE GOOD ONES!! LOL
Well stroke sensor is 1.01 and 1.45 fully depressed and yesterday brakes started ENGAGING and DISENGAGING on their own w/o brake depressed? So this morning I got code 1364 W/C pressure sensor but as I said b4 any help greatly appreciated. Thank u
You can still get versions of Techstream along with the hardware from a popular auction site. That would not need internet to work.
FIXED FIXED FIXED W/O TECHSTREAM!!! Thanks to all for input but after brakes engaging on their own my gut instinct was skid ecu so bought one for 20 bucks calibrated and no more locking up!!!