My car has suddenly decided it identifies as a feathered creature. I was walking up to my car yesterday and it legitimately quacked. I don’t mean a squeak, I mean it sounded like a duck was trapped under my vehicle. I thought I was being pranked because of how realistic it sounded but after looking around, I didn’t see anyone filming. I saw a post about this before but most people described the brake actuator or pump as a squeak...not as quacking. Could this be the same part as the warranty extension I received in the mail? They said the brake booster and brake pump may need to be replaced. I am hoping this is related since I’m cheap. I called the closest Toyota dealer and they said I had to bring it in before they could tell me anything. They of course want to confirm it before replacing but it happens infrequently. I also work out of town so it’s not easy for me to bring it by just for them to test and then order parts.....
there are posts hear describing it as a honk, if not a quack. i don't think it is an issue, if you can live with the sound. except, i have never read about anyone saying it honked/quacked as they were walking up to it. i thought it happened when they stepped on the brake
Well it sensed my key or the unlock and I think tried to pressurize. It really was the oddest thing. It happens so infrequently that it’s hard to capture.
Here is another post of someone that says something similar: noise when pushing the brake pedal hard at a stop | PriusChat And another: My Prius makes little chirping noises when stopped... like a duck quack. Any ideas?
yep, but usually with foot on brake when you open the door, it energizes the pump, but that's not the same as stepping on the brake
Brakes quacking/honking/barking/grunting I've heard of. Different people hear all those sounds (was that dress white or blue, anyway?). But without a foot on the brake? Never have I ever. Still, couldn't hurt to ask your brake computer for its firmware revision, and see if it is at least the anti-quack/honk/bark/grunt revision (be sure to compare to the proper revision for your wheel size). If it isn't, your dealer can flash an update. It's not a safety recall, so they'll charge for maybe an hour of shop time, but it's otherwise straightforward. Goes a bit faster if you don't have the back full of stuff, because their procedures require them to attach a power source to the aux battery to reduce the chance of mid-flash power drops. Also, unhook any power-hungry mods you might have added that they won't know about, that might spring to life during the reflash.
Mine quacked (or grunted, or whatever we call it!) not as I stepped on the brake pedal, but as I released it. Past tense, because it hasn't quacked in a few weeks.