Experience in selling a '12 v

Discussion in 'Prius v Main Forum' started by mikefocke, Jul 11, 2019.

  1. mikefocke

    mikefocke Prius v Three 2012, Avalon 2011

    Nov 3, 2012
    Sanford, NC
    Other Hybrid
    Now granted my ad was great and the car had low mileage (55k) and was priced right in the middle for private sales on KBB but I was amazed how, from a simple $5 craigslist posting, I got 15 calls or emails in 24 hours from as far away as 500 miles asking about the car. Bought sight unseen by the guy from furthest away who just happened to be going to South Carolina and wouldn't mind flying from Rhode Island to Raleigh where I'll pick him up and do the transaction while he takes the car to Charleston. Yes, he made a deposit.

    I was worried there would be little interest as I was in a small town 40 miles from any medium size city but that was not the case. And yet Toyota couldn't sell enough to keep the model going in the US.

    My most serious problem was getting the rear license plate bolts loose. In NC we get stickers we paste on so the bolts had rusted over 8 years. So put some WD40 on those bolts on some nice day and get them loose while you can.
    Raytheeagle and Air_Boss like this.
  2. Air_Boss

    Air_Boss Senior Member

    Jun 2, 2012
    New Yawk
    2012 Prius v wagon
    Well done!
  3. Offline

    Offline Active Member

    Sep 3, 2012
    Lenexa, Kansas
    2012 Prius v wagon
    Thanks for posting your experience. I have been wondering how easy it will be to sell our 2012 Prius v which is at 40,xxx miles. It's good to know there is a demand. All the cars we've parted with in the past several decades have gone to friends and young relatives but none seem interested in a Prius. Hybrid cars aren't in demand by teenage boys just getting their drivers licenses.

    You made a good point about rusted license plate bolts. Kansas where we live also issues renewal stickers and never new plates unless one asks and pays. When I decided to replace the nasty looking nearly unreadable 20 year old license plate on our five year old Sienna a few months ago, I found that one of the bolts had rusted to the nut. Attempting to remove the bolt broke the nut holding it inside the tailgate free which meant that both the bolt and nut spun. I thought about removing the tailgate trim panel so I could hold the nut with pliers while unscrewing the bolt but decided to take the problem to a body shop that had done a lot work for us. I don't know what method the body shop used but they extracted the bolt and attached a new nut inside the tailgate in barely 10 minutes at no charge. I'm sure glad I got this done before we parted with Sienna - might have caused a minor emergency when its next owner wanted to drive it away.

    After having this problem on the Sienna I thought it best to also replace the license plate bolts on our Prius v since they hadn't been removed in nearly seven years. I barely got the two license plate bolts out of the Prius without breaking the nuts inside the tailgate free.

    This time I made sure to buy high quality stainless steel Allen hex socket bolts. I got the kind that have rounded heads that can't be gripped with pliers. I've never had a license plate stolen/switched but I've interrupted attempted thefts several times. From what I'm reading on the Internet, license plate theft/switching happens a lot. I'm more concerned about license plate theft/switching on the Prius since we might not notice if the switched plate number was similar. I think someone would have to be a real bozo to put my Sienna's license plate on his car and I would quickly notice if it was switched.

    Sienna license plate.jpg
  4. mikefocke

    mikefocke Prius v Three 2012, Avalon 2011

    Nov 3, 2012
    Sanford, NC
    Other Hybrid
    Because of your mileage, I could sell it tomorrow a dozen times. Now with your location ... I don't know. All my callers were from dense urban areas on he east coast. I even had dealers calling.
    Offline likes this.