I've got a gen3 and wonder if anyone has some tips for me. The plan is to spend some time in my car to study in a quiet environment. I'm also shy to practice Spanish around people... I've got a sun shade for the windshield, but only the side and bottom back windows are tinted. The main things I wonder about is A/C because it's 90+ outside and where can I actually camp out? I don't plan on doing it for long periods of time. Maybe a hour or two. I fear someone knocking on my car or something.... Maybe I could get towed while inside... idk... lol. I know some big parking lots where I probably wouldn't be bothered, but the noise might bother me slightly. I've thought about parking on the side of a quiet road, but looking on google maps, I'm not seeing quite what I would like to camp/rest at. It's usually a road that's close to someones house on a little out in the open road... Even though they're on a multi acre lot, I fear it would cause suspicion. I thought about going to a park as they're not really used, but I don't want to look like a creeper either... I once played with a group of people. (video games) One person would go out into their car in their driveway and play. (laptop) I want to take it a step further. Does anyone have any input on this topic? Higgins909
Unfortunately my Spanish isn't that good. (Had to guess half of it ) I'm level 11 on Duolingo with 30 Crowns. For the last week I've been trying out the Arabic course. I need to get back to Spanish but there are other languages then those, that spike my interest. I have a ton of Spanish workbooks. I haven't gone through any... I'm a shy/embarrassed person and don't want to put people through my horrible Spanish speaking. Some other reasons are I want to get away from my main computer. I find it hard to study with any kind of noise. I just about have to live with other peoples tv shows 24/7.
In my experience learning languages (Spanish is my fourth so far), the hardest part to overcome is realizing you'll sound like an idiot for a long time. BUT--that's the only way to get comfortable speaking, and you won't become fluent without it. As far as finding a place to study away from people, I would be inclined to look for places like state or county parks with secluded trails rather than hole up in the car. But, if the car is the best place for you something like a Walmart parking lot could work; I've camped in several and never been bothered. Best of luck!
Near an airport? The "cell phone lot" is a location where it's completely normal for people to sit alone in their cars for an hour at a time.
Yes. Just wear a dummy (disconnected) hands-free headset. Anyone who see's you in your car will think you are talking to someone on the phone.
Yes there is no problem with sitting in your car with it running (a/c) for a couple of hours; many in fact. Believe it or not, there are some who live in them for quite a while. Anyway, I'm going to suggest what I think should be an obvious suggestion: go to a library with private study rooms. I'm a little ADD especially when it comes to studying/long periods of concentration so just the act of going to one really helped me "get in the zone" when I was a student. Sitting in the Prius with continual ICE on/off cycles may become too distracting along with the world happening just outside your window. So maybe turn on the radio..... just a little bit....., I don't remember these seats being this uncomfortable, why is my MPG's going down so much?.... YMMV
Walmart Parking Lot. Cardboard Box. Cardboard Sign saying: "Homeless. Need Food" ...nobody will come near you. Good Luck. PS....not kidding about Walmart Parking Lot camping. They call it Wallydocking, and it works quite well in states where they don't have a massive homeless problem.