Hi all 2007 prius, 235000 plus miles, still getting 50mpg.... rebuilt the battery about a year ago, drove to work yesterday and got red triangle when I started it to go home. Drove home fine, although battery was not charging as expected. Figured it was another bad cell. tore the battery out today, found one cell at only 6.4V. All others at 7.4 or higher. Changed cell, put back in ..... and complete death was exhibited. Checked all connections, checked all voltages (minimum 15.2 per pair, 214 total), checked and rechecked manual disconnect, checked 12V , still no luck. I have a code checker on order, however it does not get here for 3 days. hoping to get any advice on what else I might want to check....
The only times I've had that problem were when the positive terminal coming out of the pack into the relay slipped down under the other wires and pack wasn't hooked up because I didn't check my work. It's only happened to me twice after doing it 30+ times, but as I always tell people, there's near 100 electric connections you have to make for the pack to work after you've taken it apart and it's easy to miss one if you aren't super careful and recheck your work as often as possible. At the same time, we still don't know what the error codes are, so it's hard to say what's wrong, but you do have your next bad module that's been taken care of and I assume you know your replacement module checks out via load testing, right? Sounds like you have to decide between wating for your code reader to arrive versus pulling the pack and rechecking everything. Let us know what you decide and what the problem is once you know. Also have you done any reconditioning on your pack? BU-807: How to Restore Nickel-based Batteries – Battery University
Amy chance you reversed polarity of one of the modules? Did you thoroughly check the condition of the crimp connections and ring terminals of the voltage sensing wires. Including the ones under the positive and negative leads? Often there can be corrosion or breaks in the wires or ring terminals.
okay..... got the OBDII code reader, plugged it in, started the ignition (even though car does not start), got all the bells and whistles telling me the car is dead, the code reader found the format this car uses, pressed the diagnose button, and it told me "this car has no errors",,,,,, I think I am ready to call salvation army to give them a donation.........
I did check polarity (even though the hold down bolts would not line up if reversed and vent manifold would not go on either), checked each voltage wire going to the brain box for continuity, check each individual and each pair for voltage, checked main leads for voltage, everything is fine. Still have red triangle, no start, and reader says no errors......
What app are you using with your OBD2 reader? Most OBD2 apps are designed for non hybrid cars and can only read engine ecu errors, not battery ECU errors... Try Dr. Prius app, it's designed for your car and can read battery ECU and subcodes.
You got to really called the salvation army then. You just did sack a mole approach. No load testing the modules, nothing. No balancing them, putting a module just like that? It won't work. However, have you checked the small receptacle connector by the service safety plug, if its socketed properly?
Yo daddy... Although you have verified the safety disconnect is fully installed..(all three steps) the car may still think it's not installed. I'm sure you're asking.......How can that be? Many times, when less experienced owners rebuild batteries, they forget something. What is that something? Take a look at the 3 connectors that connect the car's harness to the HV battery. You'll have a small, medium and large connector. The large connector plugs into the ECU. The medium connector plugs into the 12v control circuit for the relays, etc. That leaves the small connector. It plugs into a receptacle near the top of the case kind of above the safety disconnect. I'm sure that's fully plugged in, but where does that little wire go inside the battery? It has another plug on the other end that plugs into a receptacle at the bottom of the safety disconnect. When you perform the 3rd step of the safety plug install (push straight down) the handle will slide downward about 3/8 inch. This pushes a shorting wire across the terminals in that plug, providing the actual indication that the plug is fully installed. Many people forget to plug in this small wire at the bottom of the Safety Plug housing when they reassemble the battery. If it gets forgotten, the car still thinks the safety plug is not installed. Check it out, my brudda. Maybe it will be something this simple. Now, if that doesn't help, you can also look at the electrical plug/socket mounted on the HV battery cooling fan bracket. My understanding is the Safety Disconnect wires run through that plug also. That plug can be exposed to water leakage/corrosion from moisture leaking around the hatch (sometimes resulting in water in the 12v battery area). Hope this helps.
Not just the less experienced, but even the experienced, especially if they're working on your car while you ask them endless questions at the same time. There's near 100 electrical connections that have to be correctly made and if you miss a step or get the sequence out of order it ain't gonna work. Ya gotta be super focused and check and re-check everything because it's easy to lose track of where you're at.
Please everyone, don't ever support this incredibly disonest organization. They spend less then 5% of the revenue they generate on kids and that 5% goes exclusively to a private religious camp for Jewish kids that charges parents money for the kids to attend. This crooked operation has been fined by both the State of Oregon and Washington for false advertising and they're spending the 95% of their revenue on real estate speculation and insane salaries for their leaders. And perhaps worst of all, they're so damn cheap that the little kids singing in that god-awful radio commercial are now 30 years old and they still haven't updated the ad yet. Every time I hear that radio ad I turn the radio off! This is the least deserving car donation charity there is. Don't support them in any way!!!
the ads drive me crazy, i have to shut the radio off. i don't understand how they get away with it, when the ads are part of the radio stations public service announcement requirement.
Hi all.... thanks for all the replies, and your concern for the wellness and continued use of my prius. There are a lot of things about the prius that I do not like (the beep-beep horn and the stigma that goes with a prius owner that just happens to be a man to name a couple) but all things considered I must admit that it is the best car I have ever owned and have been agonizing over dumping it for a couple months now. After 235,000 miles you get used to the way it greats you in the morning and the "contoured seats" that have your perfect butt impression.... I have been battling for months now as to how to go about telling the world that the blue beast and I were done,,,, but I have to admit, that what took me months to come to a conclusion over has finally come true...... I AM AN IDIOT..... I tried for months to figure out how I messed up something as simple as a battery pack rebuild, when in the end it was not the rebuild.... It was something as simple as proper use of a protective device. I appreciate all of your advice, but in the end it was TMR-JWAP that sparked a memory in my feeble brain. He said "When you perform the 3rd step of the safety plug install (push straight down)" .... This didn't make sense to me. I thought about it for quite sometime and said "There is no problem with the interlock... I measured the voltage at the posts.. there was 210v" . I beat myself up for many weeks.. told my wife I should probably never work on cars again.. told myself I need to get a new car with a "bumper to bumper" so I would never have to worry about it again..... I then realized that there is a contact in the bottom of the safety that allows the voltage at the posts to get to the battery "brain". What a stupid amateur overlook. I was sure I did the rebuild correctly (I did), I was sure I connected all electrical connections to the battery (I did), but in the end it was just a simple safety interlock that did me in. It has been a terrible couple of months, coupled with the fact that I had to drive my truck to work at a cost of 80 bucks every two weeks instead of 25. I pushed down on the safety, and the blue beast is up and running. Had to tell my wife what an idiot move I had made.... She told me "the prep for my colonoscopy yesterday must have cleared my mind". Whatever it was, I am glad to have it back..... Once again thanks to all that have helped, especially you JWAP. I hope more "IDIOTS" will post their stupid mistakes so that all others can gain the experience needed to fix the blue beasts in your lives. thanks again DJ
First of all, good luck on your pending colonoscopy... Lol... But more to point... Congratulations, you've passed the final initiation of hybrid battery repair! There are so many steps involved in properly assembling everything without a single oversight... There's over 100 connections that have to be properly made for the rebuild to be a success. IMHO Prius hybrid experts are people who have endured great suffering to become an expert. And the mistakes, oh geez the mistakes that can be made along the way. I could go on and on with stories!
To fully enjoy the feeling of accomplishment on a project you must go through the pit of despair. You know, that point in the project where you wonder why you ever started it, and that you are sure that you will never complete it. Because once you get past the pit and finish the project, you feel better than if it would have been straightforward and easy.
And that my friends is why Hybrid battery work can be so enjoyable!!! It's kinda like going to the gym too often and destroying yourself to the point that you can't remember when you weren't sore, only to eventually realize that you're stronger than you ever thought you could be!