Torque App Diagnostics - monthly data collection and health check

Discussion in 'Gen 3 Prius Care, Maintenance & Troubleshooting' started by toplinetax, Jul 4, 2019.

  1. toplinetax

    toplinetax Junior Member

    Jun 29, 2019
    San Francisco, CA
    2010 Prius
    Posting this as it may help others. My approach to troubleshooting involves making decisions based on data analysis. As such frequent collection is needed to normalize the data and to pickup trends. A scan tool, with accompanying software is a great asset to look at various operating data that available. :)

    I have been using Torque Pro with Prius PID pack for a while now. (I do not work for, or am affiliated with the makers of Torque in any way ;). I bought a cheap obd2 bluetooth transmitter from that auction site, running torque on my mobile device.

    I wanted to monitor my hybrid battery cells voltage, along with variances between min and max voltage to determine overall and isolated health of cells. Being that our prius is 10yrs old and at 180k, you care about such things. Plus it's my wife's DD so.. o_O

    Also monitoring MG Temps, ICE coolant temp, invertor coolant temp and inverter pump operation (rpms) provide insight into the other aspects of the hybrid systems.

    What have I learned from the data?

    Screenshot 1
    Conditions: 66f ambient temp,vehicle at rest after a 40mile round trip test run. Total 62min runtime. 80% highway/20% city. Avg speed 70mph with brief runs up to 80mph to pass slower traffic.
    Looks like the hybrid battery cells are in good shape <.2 v variance between individual cells, <. 2 v variance betweeb avg min and max across all cells. I suspect the hybrid battery has some decent life left.

    Coolant 7E0 represents the coolant temp. I know that modern vehicles are designed to run hotter but, the max temp of 199.4F concerns me, as past tests under similar conditions max temp was ~197F+-.5 F. I run this test every month, trying to simulate conditions as close as possible to remove variables(y)

    I suspect one of two things.

    1. Reduced engine water pump efficiency (parts in order as we speak to do the job).

    2. EGR cleaning needed. I have started to see reduced avg mpg in conjunction.

    MG TEMPS seems to within normal operating Temps based on what I have researched. Invester temp looks ok too. What do ya all think?

    Screenshot 2
    Screenshot_20190704-093641_Torque.jpg LT fuel trim looks ok. Looks like the o2 is operating properly and sending the proper info to the ecu for fuel map calculations.

    Screenshot 3
    Screenshot_20190704-093143_Torque.jpg Coolant temp seems high at 197F sustained speed of 72mph on a flat grade. This use to hover around 194F. I think that poor lil water pump is working harder due to age, kinda like my body :unsure:.

    What Temps do you guys see with your vehicles?

    Sorry for the long post as the senior members prob know this stuff already, but it may help those who are new to this.

    RMB likes this.
  2. Grit

    Grit Senior Member

    Aug 22, 2017
    Wilkes Land
    2012 Prius
    Long as the highest voltage pack is no higher than .2 volts compared to the lowest pack on average, your in good shape .

    My engine temp is typically 196 - 199 F. I've pushed it to 202 F before on short highway drive with bottom grill fully blocked during spring season.

    MG1 is typically hotter than MG2, but long drives MG2 can be hotter than MG1 by +10 degrees F. My bay area 2 hour drives, MG1 can get up to 200 F during summers. My work commute is about 50 miles, now it being summer, MG1 is typically 180F after PM commute.

    I think your driving speeds are yielding lower MPGs. Try finding the flattest highway when traffic is dead in the bay area :p and drive 55mph, you should get high 50s and low 60s MPGs. If you dont' get those results then you can look around.
    RMB and toplinetax like this.
  3. toplinetax

    toplinetax Junior Member

    Jun 29, 2019
    San Francisco, CA
    2010 Prius
    As Sammy Hager once said I can't drive 55! ;) Thanks for the info. I can't wait to clean out the egr. Trying to score a spare cooler and valve right now.
    RMB and Raytheeagle like this.